Tuesday 28 November 2017

白帝 杜甫

白帝    杜甫(712-770)

The Bai Di City      Du Fu (712-770)

From the Bai Di city wall cloud waves roll,
Beneath the city bitter rain pours,
Spates of deluge rage amidst torrential flux and thunderous bolts,
Under the gloomy heavens ancient rattans have lost their usual glow,
In the wild a veteran horse leisurely lolls,
There used to be thousands of households now only a few hundreds stay on hold,
Widows being plundered by officials of all their chattels,
Amidst the autumnal harvest their mournful wails have unsettled every corner of the wild.

Friday 24 November 2017

酹江月 文天祥

酹江月   和友驛中言別    文天祥(1236-1283)
乾坤能大,算蛟龙元不是池中物。乾坤能大,算蛟龍元不是池中物。 风雨牢愁无著处,那更寒蛩四壁風雨牢愁無著處,那更寒蛩四壁 。 横槊题诗 ,登楼作赋 ,万事空中雪。橫槊題詩,登樓作賦,萬事空中雪。 江流如此,方来还有英杰。江流如此,方來還有英傑。
去去龍沙 ,江山回首,一線青如髮。 故人應念,杜鵑枝上殘月。

Lei Jiang Yue    Echoing My Colleague Deng Yan’s Poem Bidding a 
Friend Farewell at the Carriage Station                                
Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283)

No matter the universe is how infinitely colossal,
A dragon will never be eternally in a pond trammeled,
Amidst winds and rains there is no way to air my long pent up desolations and dismals,
Chiming in my glum and melcholy are the incessant chirring autumn crickets on the walls,
What heroic figure Cao Cao cut himself as he stood crossing a lance and instantly concocted a jingle,
And how romantic it was when Wang Can mounted a tower and there had his great verse “Mounting the Tower” composed,
Everything has now turned into flying snow,
That is how rivers in the world keeping roll,
It just keeps turning up heroes,
I am just a piece of fallen leaf wilted,
Now back to River Huai I’ve recoiled,
The chilly gale is starting to rattle,
My looks in the mirror have greatly shuffled,
Leaving only my imperishable leal soul,
Hereon in the desert further and further to the farmost I go,
Looking back on my homeland purlieu,
There the mountains fade out into a hair fibril,
Whenever my old pals think of me they should take to heart the blood-spewing cuckoo trills on the branches under the fading moon sickle.

Monday 20 November 2017

燕子來舟中作 杜甫

燕子來舟中作       杜甫 (712-770)

Written On My Boat Being Visited by Swallows      
Du Fu (712-770)

Forlornly drifting in Hunan I have evinced two vernal spells,
For two rounds I’ve seen swallows hold mud to build their nestles,
These swallows should know me as they had graced my garden of old,
On this Harvest Festival from afar they just have me ogled,
You can build your nest anywhere you feel fit in this boundless world,
Just like this forlornly straggling soul at wheresoever I can pull over,
On my boat mast they lull and twitter but immediately off they pull,
Watching them cut capers and shuttle between the flowers stir my tears to pour and soak through my shawl.

Thursday 16 November 2017

賓至 杜甫

賓至     杜甫(712-770)

My Guests      Du Fu (712-770)

Desolately I live in far flung areas where only very few people would call,
Old and ailing I need help to prop me up making repeated salutes finical,
Neither have I any written works to take everybody stand aghast within our empire’s realm.
You should not have taken all the trouble to travel by horse and carriage to my riverside hovel,
You have graced my shabby hovel by staying with me all day through,
This bromidic pedant could only serve you his usual shaggy meal,
If you don’t mind this food from the wild unpalatable,
Maybe you will take a whim contemplating my herb garden blows.

Wednesday 8 November 2017

丹青引贈曹霸將軍 杜甫

丹青引贈曹霸將軍     杜甫(712-770)

A Ballad of Painting to General Cao Ba      Du Fu (712-770)

A scion of Emperor Wu of Wei you are, revered general,
Now ranking only to the humble and no longer a noble,
Long gone is the tripartite kingdoms founding hero,
Still prevalent is his éclat cultural,
Learning calligraphy from Madam Wai to start it all,
To your great chagrin you could never manage surpassing Wang Xizhi to excel,
In painting you forget the approach of the age of senile,
Wealth and power to you are all floating clouds and insubstantial,
During the Kai Yuan era you were often summoned before His Imperial,
On His Majesty’s grace you frequented the South Fragrance Hall,
When colours faded in the distinguished statesmen and soldiers in the Celestial Mists Chamber portrayals,
Your brush brings them a new refreshed glow,
On great ministers merit worthy hats are availed,
At the belts of valorous generals you adorn them with big feather arrows,
The Duke of Bao and the Duke of E with their hair bristled,
In heroic and formidable postures they come head in the battles on their mettle,
Our late emperor’s imperial war horse the Jade Blow,
Painters having it painted in the past are numerous but none able to produce a true likeness in their portrayals,
One day it was led out to the Red Terrace of the Court below,
As it stood far off in the gates into the palace came a long gale,
An order was given to you preparing for the painting to have white silk unrolled,
Painstakingly your artistic mind concocts intensively how to get down to buckle,
Presently a true dragon from the empyrean unfolds,
Wiping away in a trice all ordinary horses painted from of old,
Over and behind the throne the portrayal is soon dangled,
With the one in the courtyard facing each other they proudly goggle,
With a smile His Majesty urges gold to be bestowed,
The stable boys and grooms are all blighted in great dismals,
Your disciple Han Gan has long already been promoted to your stratum but still lacks the dexterity of your skills,
He can also exhaust all different sorts of horses with his facile style,
But he can only produce horses with flesh but no bones and hence not vital,
Whence under his brush all coursers lose their elan vital,
General, your ability to paint such horses is celestial,
Usually you will paint other portraits as well,
Only if you meet someone really special,
Now forlorn and drifting in this tumultuous world,
Quite often you also paint the ordinary people,
Struggling in desperate straits you always suffer from looks of despise from spiteful
Surely no one is as poor as you, general, in this acrid world,
All those enjoying great acclaim and fame from of old,
Struggle throughout their lives amidst hardship and fails.

Saturday 4 November 2017

小寒食舟中作 杜甫

小寒食舟中作     杜甫 (712-770)

Written in My Boat on the Eve of the Cold Meals Festival     
Du Fu (712-770)

Old and ailing I rouse myself to hit the booze to usher in this festival,
Leaning on the teapoy this banished recluse drearily lolls,
Caught at the vernal flood up to the heaven my boat seems to be hurled,
In my dazzled eyes the flowers seem to be diaphanously veiled in the mizzles,
Butterflies cut capers around the rolled up portieres,
Over the raging torrents soar gleeful seagulls,
The verdant mountains and white clouds boundlessly spread thousands miles afield,
I look north to Chang’an with nostalgic glum dismals.