Thursday 27 April 2017

憫農(其二) 李紳

憫農(其二)     李紳 (772-846)

Saluting the Farmers (Poem No.2)         Li Shen(772-846)

Ploughing till middle of the day,
Sweats wetting the soil under the grain blade,
Don’t you know every grain of rice we eat in the day,
Is the hard work of the farmers who ply the trade.

Sunday 23 April 2017

南歌子 寓意 蘇軾

南歌子   寓意   蘇軾 (1037-1101)

Nan Ge Zi    A Metaphorical Poem         Su Shi (1037-1101)

It rains, gloomy the sky grows,
Suspecting dusk falls,
Anon the wind veers and rain lulls,
Through the thin clouds over the mountains the setting sun flushes its glow,
Over the soft fresh grasses paving the sandy road on the shoal,
Carefully and lightly I trot my horse really slow,
Waking up from my wine as dawn calls,
I still could not find my dream cameos,
Incessantly on I stroll,
Though the Blue Bridge is within hold,
Wheresoever to seek my dream belle,
Sentimental is only the waters that flow,
Keeping company with the one that would not forgo.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

春日憶李白 杜甫

春日憶李白   杜甫 (712-770)

Thinking of Li Bai on a Spring Day           Du Fu (712-770)

Li Bai’s poems are insurmountable,
His ethos is unworldlily liberal and unconventional,
As refreshing as Yu Xin he has a verve flaring with elan vital,
Similar to Bao Zhao he is as romantically elegant and graceful,
In the north of River Wei trees have turned verdant as spring approaches,
In the River East dark clouds gather as dusk falls,
When can we discourse poetry again over a bottle.                                                                                                                                                                         

Saturday 15 April 2017

詠鵝 駱賓王

詠鵝       駱賓王 (640-684)


Ode to the Goose           Luo Binwang (640-684)
Goose, goose, goose.
Crooking your neck to the sky melodiously you squall,
On the azure waters your white feather float,
Swimming in the limpid waters your red flippers paddle.

Tuesday 11 April 2017

漫興九首(其三) 杜甫

漫興九首(其三)   杜甫(712-770)


With Insouciant Pleasure (Poem No.3)        Du Fu (712-770)
My low and narrow hovel is well known to the river swallows,
So here they frequent to build their roost,
The mud in their beaks they hold,
Often drops on my zither and books and have them soiled,
When chasing insects they even smash into myself the master of the hovel.

Friday 7 April 2017

贈李白 杜甫

贈李白    杜甫 (712-770)

To Li Bai             Du Fu (712-770)
Last autumn when we met we were still forlorn drifting straggling souls,
We’ve both let the Taoist Master Ge Hong down for failing to accomplish the prerequisite preparations to become Taoist gurus,
All day long you sing with abandon and get yourself sozzled,
To whomsoever you want to prove your heroism do you carry yourself so magisterial?

Monday 3 April 2017

漫興九首(其一) 杜甫

漫興九首(其一)  杜甫(712-770)

With Insouciant Pleasure (Poem No.1)        Du Fu (712-770)
Haplessly I’m dumped in relentless dismals,
But unstoppable vernal splendor crushes into the River Pavilion to herald spring’s arrival,
Recklessly it urges the booming of all blows,
Bringing forth the noisily disturbing twitters of the orioles.