酹江月 和友驛中言別 文天祥(1236-1283)
乾坤能大,算蛟龍元不是池中物。 風雨牢愁無著處,那更寒蛩四壁 。
橫槊題詩,登樓作賦,萬事空中雪。 江流如此,方來還有英傑。
去去龍沙 ,江山回首,一線青如髮。 故人應念,杜鵑枝上殘月。Lei Jiang Yue Echoing My Colleague Deng Yan’s Poem Bidding a
Friend Farewell at the Carriage Station
Tianxiang (1236-1283)
No matter the universe is how infinitely
A dragon will never be eternally in a pond
Amidst winds and rains there is no way to air
my long pent up desolations and dismals,
Chiming in my glum and melcholy are the
incessant chirring autumn crickets on the walls,
What heroic figure Cao Cao cut himself as he
stood crossing a lance and instantly concocted a jingle,
And how romantic it was when Wang Can mounted a
tower and there had his great verse “Mounting the Tower” composed,
Everything has now turned into flying snow,
That is how rivers in the world keeping roll,
It just keeps turning up heroes,
I am just a piece of fallen leaf wilted,
Now back to River Huai I’ve recoiled,
The chilly gale is starting to rattle,
My looks in the mirror have greatly shuffled,
Leaving only my imperishable leal soul,
Hereon in the desert further and further to the
farmost I go,
Looking back on my homeland purlieu,
There the mountains fade out into a hair fibril,
Whenever my old pals think of me they should take
to heart the blood-spewing cuckoo trills on the branches under the fading moon
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