Tuesday 30 June 2015

聽蜀僧浚彈琴 李白

聽蜀僧浚彈琴     李白  (701- 762)

Listening to Monk Xun from Shu Playing His Zither      
Li Bai (701- 762)

The monk from Shu with his zither the Viridity in hold,
From the west of the peak of Mt. Emei he comes downhill,
For me on his zither he buckles,
The music comes to me as the myriad pines whiffling amidst the dales,
Like running water it cleanses my soul,
It infuses the frosty sky with awakening bell tolls,
Amid the verdant mountains I feel not dusk falls,
How many layers of gloomy autumnal clouds have since in the sky scrambled?



Sunday 28 June 2015

送楊氏女 韋應物

送楊氏女             韋應物(737-792)
Seeing Off Yeung’s Daughter         Wei Yingwu (737-792)
Your days here have always been sorrowful sorrowful,
This journey will take you far far off,
This time you are going to tie up your spousals,
Against the currents your boat will sail,
Having lost your mother since a baby cuddle,
Bringing you up I’ve been particularly fondlily gentle,
Babies do need a parent’s care and fondle,
Now I’ve to marry you off I just can’t stop my tears flow,
This gives me a bruised and seared soul,
But I can’t keep you from your spousals,
You grew up without a mother’s counsel,
I am worried whether you can serve your parents-in-law well,
I know they are respectable and kind people,
Magnanimously kind hearted they are impeccable,
Coming from a poor family austerity you should uphold,
Your dowry will not be too valuable,
In your husband’s home I hope you’ll adhere to the cardinal virtues of a daughter-in-law and be filial,
Remember to keep yourself at all times decently presentable,
Here I bid you farewell,
When will we meet again just nobody can tell,   
Normally I can myself beguile,
Right now I just can’t help myself,
Back home seeing my little girl,
Tears along my hat ribbons pour.

Friday 26 June 2015

西湖晚歸 白居易

西湖晚歸 回望孤山寺,贈諸客   白居易(772-846)


Returning from West Lake Late in the Day        
Bai Juyi(772-846)
Turning back to espy at the Solitary Hill Temple
To all other visitors in the same boat

From the Pine Island of the Lake Willows,
Riding a boat home at night I bid the Buddhist Lotus Temple farewell,
Tangerines dangle low in the heavy hill drizzles,
Palm leaves trample amidst the rough billows under the chilly gale,
The hyaline azure sky wave in the widespread wavering diaphanous misty combers with the raving oars’ rolls,
Undulant pavilions and chambers are thrown into relief against the setting sun’s glow,
On arriving do turn your head to pay homage to the holy pale,
Right in the midst of the waters is the Celestial Temple.   


Wednesday 24 June 2015

石魚湖上醉歌 元結

石魚湖上醉歌       元結(719-772)

A Eulogy to Drinking on the Stone Fish Lake   
Yuan Jie (719-772)

To Lake Dong Ting the Stone Fish Lake looks connatural,
A huge fish shaped stone struts out verdantly there like the Lords Hill in the midst of Lake Dong Ting in summer when tide surges with water running full,
On the Stone fish Lake we guzzle,
The mountain is our wine bottle,
The water is our wine pool,
Lucidly lucidly on the ait amidst waters my boon partners loll,
Billows are hurled up these days by the long gale,
But I can’t stop the boats on which my wine is hauled,
Dispensing wine with my long gourd,
Going on the booze we dump all our melancholy and dismals.


Monday 22 June 2015

夜泊牛渚懷古 李白

夜泊牛渚懷古     李白(701- 762)

Reminiscing the Past while Mooring at the Niuzhu Rocky Shore at Night
Li Bai (701- 762)

At the Niuzhu Shore of the West River in the vesper,
Not a piece of cloud is seen in the azure ether,
Mounting my boat to have the autumnal moon to savour,
The graciously unconventional General Xie I vainly recall into memoirs,
I am also a verse composer,
But there are no more people like General Xie as awesomely revered,
Tomorrow with my boat’s sail fully reared,
Amidst falling maple leaves I’ll disappear.



Saturday 20 June 2015

尋西山隱者不遇 邱為

尋西山隱者不遇     邱為()
Looking For the Recluse at West Mountain In Vain      
Qiu Wei (Tang Poet)
At the very summit a hut is nestled,
Straight up the mountain thirty miles,
I knock at the door but no servant answers my call,
Looking inside I see only a desk and a tea table,
The recluse must have gone gadding on his fire wood tumbrel,
Or in the autumnal waters to troll,
Missing out each other, just can’t across we fall,
Trying to make the most of this vain call,
I contemplate his empty bower with reverential awe,
Amidst the early rain grasses rankly verdantly sprawl,
Into the casements come the late night pine rustles,
All these cater to my taste for insouciance tranquil,
And help cleanse my earthly soul,
Though I deplore the missed pleasant discourse
Between the host and the visitor who calls,
I have this tranquility to relish after all,
As my whim for visiting is over,
Down the mountain I come leaving with delight thanks to the recluse for the course.

Thursday 18 June 2015

薄命佳人 蘇軾

薄命佳人          蘇軾(1037-1101)


An Ephemeral Fair Lady       Su Shi(1037-1101)

A crème de la crème are her delicate rosy cheeks and her hair as raven as enamel,
Her eyes glitter as the portiere pearls,
The white silk dress on her is a fairy apparel,
She wouldn’t allow rouge to blemish her devastating looks congenital,
Her intoxicating southern accent captivates and enthralls,
Her glum is abysmal and unfathomable,
Beauties are ephemeral from of old,
Living seclusively behind closed doors while spring comes and goes with the flourishing willows.

Tuesday 16 June 2015

八聲甘州 寄參寥子 蘇軾

八聲甘州 寄參寥子     蘇軾(1037-1101)


Ba Sheng Gan Zhou   To Monk Shen Liao Zi   
Su Shi ( 1037-1101)

From thousand miles away the flooding tide rolls in with the passionate gale,
The tide ebbs as the passions fade away,
On River Qian Tang and Xi Xing the mouthway,
How many dusks we spent together in the setting sun’s rays,
We need not judge people of the old days,
Who can take after the aged Dongpo burying all his ambitions and contrivances in his later days?
We need only to cherish the west bank of the West Lake in the most ravishing days,
When vernal brumes paint the green hills with a diaphanous haze,
From of old rare are confidant poet companions of congenial tastes same as our case,
I wish to pledge you when we retire some day,
Through the east sea channel we’ll sail,
Like Chancellor Xie of Jin to fulfill his original lofty resolution to retreat to reclusion he had earlier made,
Deplore not for all irreversible past bales,
And shed no tears for me if I stay the course of my chosen way.

Sunday 14 June 2015

寄韓諫議注 杜甫

寄韓諫議      杜甫(712-770)

To the Admonisher Han Zhu         Du Fu (712-770)

Fallen in the dumps today but my mind over Yueyang whirls,
My body wants to rouse up but laid up in my ailing bed I am tramelled,
Gracefully gracefully the Adorable One strands beyond the waters autumnal,
Washing his feet in Lake Dong Ting and gazing towards the wilds in all corners of the world,
Up in the gloomily gloomy boundless heavens the wild geese soar and glide while as white as the white moon palely the sun glows,
On the reddening leaves of green maples frost falls,
In the City of Jade the gods of heaven around the Polar Star assemble,
On kirins or phoenixes in they haul,
Amidst mists their lotus banners tumble,
On the still waters of the Xiao and Xiang Rivers their images whiffle,
The lords of heaven are drunk with wine of the immortal,
The Winged Ones are  all present except one withdrawal,
One Master of the Red Pine I seem to have heard a short while ago,
Whom I guess none other than Zhang Liang of the Han Dynasty who helped Liu Bei to have Chang’an quelled and settled,
Now his grand strategy still remains upheld,
But the spirit behind it has been dismally crumpled,
Not presuming to have the futures of our state foretold,
Revolted by the stink of corruption of officialdom in general,
Left for a diet of liquid amber to prevail,
Yet stranding in Zhounan has long been deplored since of old,
The Old Man of the South Pole promises long and prosperous years of senile,
Oh, Adorable One, for what reasons you are still stranded beyond the waters autumnal,
How can we have him placed favourably in a suitable post in the Jade Hall.



Friday 12 June 2015

夕次盱眙縣 韋應物

夕次盱眙縣      韋應物(737-792)
Mooring at Xuyi Prefecture for the Night    
Wei Yingwu (737-792)

Shortening my sail up at Town Linhuai I am piled,
Over a solitary stage my boat pulls,
Ragingly ragingly rave the dashing billows,
Gloomily gloomily down the sun goes,
People returning amid grim mountain trails,
Wild geese light on silver grasses glittering isles,
In the solitude of the night the Qin Gate Pass I fondly recall,
Sleeplessly I listen all night to the bell tolls.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

溪居 柳宗元

溪居       柳宗元(773-818)
Living By the Rill          Liu Zongyuan (773-818)
Having been long shackled by my official devoirs,
Fortunately to the farmost land of the wild south I’ve been demoted,
In my leisure I can coze with my neighbouring farming households,
At times I do seem like a recluse amidst the wealds,
In the morning farmers turn up dewy grasses on the field they till,
At night water dashes on the rocks as boats roll,
Hardly do I meet passing people,
To the azure sky of the south I sing euphorically long and bold.

Monday 8 June 2015

長干行 李白

長干行       李白(701- 762)
Ballad of the Changgan Alley     Li Bai (701- 762)
As my hair came reaching down to my eyebrows,
I cut capers in front of my door after picking a spray of blow,
You came along riding a bamboo foal,
With a plum fruit in hand you galloped round the well,
Together in Changgan Alley we dwelled,
We were both still naïve juveniles,
At fourteen I became your spousal,
Too shy I was to smile a little,
I could only droop my head towards a dark wall,
Neither would I turn my face to answer your myriad calls,
Only till fifteen could I start to put on a smile,
Hence I swore to live with you to the eternal,
Even death could not have us apart pulled,
Seeing you every day the Husband Espying Tower was simply out of my pale,
At sixteen far off you had to go,
To the Yanyu Rocky Shore of Qutang you had to struggle,
In the fifth month the treacherous waters there are forbiddingly formidable,
Reaching up to the heavens there are the alp wails,
Right in front of our door where I bid you farewell,,
Our foot prints are now covered with mosses,
Mosses are too thick to be swept away once and all,
Falling leaves evince the early arrival of the fall,
In the eighth month butterflies have already turned old and yellow,
Cutting capers over the west garden grasses in couples,
These scenes plunge me in dismals,
Languishing in angst I turn old and pale,
If you are starting to hit your return trail,
Do please first send me a mail,
If I can’t come to meet you that remote,
I can at least welcome you at Chang Feng Sha’s vicinal.

Saturday 6 June 2015

宿王昌齡隱居 常建

宿王昌齡隱居   常建(708-765)
Putting Up at Wang Changling”s Recluse Bower     
Chang Jian (708-765)
Abysmal is the hyaline rill,
Over his bower only a forlorn piece of cloud sails,
Amidst the pines mellow moonlight veils,
It’s for a revered gentleman like you the clear moonlight befalls,
Under the wattle late night flower shadows lie low,
In the herbs garden traces of moss sprawl,
Here I come to bid you farewell,
Henceforth far up to the West Mountain joining the herons and phoenixes I’ll go once and for all.

Thursday 4 June 2015

送天師 寧獻王

送天師          寧獻王()


Seeing Off Taoist Master the Supernal Zhang        Prince Ningxian of Ming

On the scanty willows of Zhi City chilly dews befall,
Seeing him out of Lake Poyang I earnestly bid my guest farewell,
His gold armour has his magic thunderbolt seal concealed,
In his red brocade pouch vested are the sun and moon conjuring spells,
On a heavenly crane he rides at dawn wherever he goes,
When he reposes on earth at night he takes off his pair of flying scandals,
Hurriedly he returns to his celestial abode,
Is the heavenly peach there already ripe and mellow?




Tuesday 2 June 2015

送毛伯溫 明世宗

送毛伯溫         明世宗 ()


Seeing Off Mao Bowen on His Expedition Campaign   
Emperor Shi Zong of Ming

Undauntedly valiant is my southern expeditionary general,
On his waist he wears his devastating gelid autumnal water sword, the wild goose quilt,
Thunderlike warring drums on the gale send the earth in a tumble,
Banners glitter like lightening from the sun and moon high aloft,
A heavenly kirin of a soldier is my formidable general,
Where could all those pestering treacherous ants go,
When the upheavals in the South is quelled,
On my summons you’ll return home in the conqueror’s elan vital,,
How much I look forward to undonning your battling armour with my own hands to hail your feat phenomenal.