Wednesday 30 September 2015

留別王維 孟浩然

留別王維   孟浩然 (689-740)

An Unwilling Farewell to Wang Wei     
Meng Haoran (689-740)

Silently silently I wait to no avail,
Day in day out with nothing I recoil,
Looking for the green green grass ambrosial,
What a shame I’m still going to lose my old pal,
To offer our services to the court and country who in power could be of avail,
Confidant kindreds are really rare in the world,
Behind my closed wicker door where I lie low,
I’d better guard over my solitude in tranquil.


Monday 28 September 2015

十五夜望月 寄杜郎中 王建

十五夜望月   寄杜郎中        王建  (767-830)

中庭地白樹棲鴉 ,
冷露無聲濕桂花 。
今夜月明人盡望 ,
不知秋思落誰家 ?

Contemplating the Moon in the Night of the Mid Autumn Festival To Chancellery Official Du               Wang Jian (767-830)

The courtyard is moonlight washed and crows amidst the trees quietly nestled,
Amidst the chilly autumnal dews silently drenched are the osmanthus blows,
Tonight the bright moon will be everybody’s point of focal,
Who are the ones in your autumnal pining cameos?

Sunday 27 September 2015

望月懷遠 張九齡

望月懷遠       張九齡 (678 - 740)


Thinking of Someone Faraway Under the Bright Full Moon                  Zhang Jiuling (678 - 740)

The bright full moon grows out of the sea,
‘Tis a moment all the world agog to see,
Lovers, chagrined at the length of the eve,
Stay up all night with each other to miss;
I douse the candle as the moonlight suffuses,
Put on my coat feeling the dew increase ;
Failing to give you a handful of the light as gift,
Retiring to bed, I look for a rendezvous in my dream with thee.

Saturday 26 September 2015

八月十五夜玩月 劉禹錫

八月十五夜玩月     劉禹錫 (772-842)
天將今夜月, 一遍洗寰瀛。
暑退九霄淨, 秋澄萬景清。
星辰讓光彩, 風露發晶英。
能變人間世, 攸然是玉京。

Contemplating the Moon in the Night of the Mid Autumn Festival                 Liu Yuxi (772-842)

Tonight the full moon’s effulgent glow,
On heaven’s order has the whole universe flushed and flowed,
Summer heat retreats leaving the empyrean freshly vestal,
Autumnal hyaline renders everything splendently vivid and graceful,
The clear moonlight even beats the stars’ razzle dazzle,
The autumnal gale and jady dews also emit glittering sparkles,
Plagued by vicissitudes is the human world,
Only the moonlight remains permanent and eternal.



Thursday 24 September 2015

太常引 建康中秋夜為呂叔潛賦 辛棄疾

太常引建康中秋夜為呂叔潛賦    辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

Tai Chang Yin (Written for Lu Shuqian in the Mid Autumn Festival of Jian Kang)       Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

A glittering autumnal moon revolves with golden sparkles,
The heavenly mirror reappears with refreshed gloss,
With a cup of wine I ask Chang’e,
What can I do to rid the threat of my hair turning grizzle,
I wish to ride the long gale and soar in the heaven for thousands of miles,
Whence espying the mountains and rivers of our world down below,
And have the osmanthus tree on the moon whittled,
People will say how much more brilliantly the moon glows.


Tuesday 22 September 2015

秋宵月下有懷 孟浩然

秋宵月下有懷      孟浩然(689-740)

佳期曠何許!望望空佇立 。

Thinking of Someone under the Mid Autumn Moon   
Meng Haoran (689-740)

High in the autumnal heaven the bright moon dangles,
On the glittering dews her brilliant glamour sparkles,
By its brightness the birds are startled in their nestles,
Through the rolled up portieres fireflies approach,
The divested pagoda tree stands amidst the chills with a checkered shadow,
Laundry hustle and bustle come from the neighborhood as night falls,
When will be our rendezvous?
Vainly vainly I stand and gaze to no avail.

Sunday 20 September 2015

在獄詠蟬 駱賓王

在獄詠蟬     駱賓王(640-684)


On Cicadas While Incarcerated     
Luo Binwang (640-684)

The autumnal cicadas chirr,
From the land of Nanguan this convict’s nostalgia is deeply stirred,
I just can’t stand the looks of cicadas,
They come chirring up verses in front of this hoar hair gaffer,
Through heavy dews they can hardly fly their way further,
Amidst wind blasts their chirrs will founder,
Nobody believes how graciously dignified they are,
Who can we rely on to vindicate our true humour.



Friday 18 September 2015

送陳章甫 李頎

送陳章甫       李頎(690-751)

Bidding Chen Zhangfu Farewell     Li Qi (690-751)

Under the south wind of the fourth month the barley turns mellowy yellow,
Long long the paulownia leaves grow while still flushing are the jujube blows,
Turning away from the green mountain in the morning but see it again at nightfall,
Amidst horse neighs wayfarers will be nostalgicly sentimental,
This revered noble friend Chen of mine cuts a graceful figure magnanimously leal and faithful,
Wearing a dragon whiskers and tiger eyebrows under a forehead broad and full,
Stashed in his mind are thousands of book scrolls,
With his multiple talents he just wouldn’t lie low amidst the wilds,
Buying wine outside the east gate for us to regale,
Dismissing everything in the world trivial,
Getting drunk he lies asleep till nightfall,
To contemplate a forlorn piece of drifting cloud he would sometimes raise his head aloft,
Hurling up to the heavens are the blackening raving Yellow River billows,
But he is stranded as jetty men are taking a lull,
This wayfarer from the land of Zheng is here stalled,
Your sojourner friend in Luoyang could only vainly bewail,
I’ve heard you have lots of friends in the wilds,
How would they welcome you today you are no longer a court official.


Wednesday 16 September 2015

關山月 李白

關山月         李白(701- 762)


Moon Over the Mountain Pass       Li Bai(701- 762)
Out of Mt. Celestial the moon grows,
Boundlessly diaphanous in an ocean of clouds she floats,
From thousands and thousands of miles comes the long gale,
Through the Jade Gate Pass it blows,
Arriving the Han army at Mt. Baideng ready to battle,
While the barbarians covet after the vast stretch of Kokonor pale,
Soldiers on expeditions from of old,
Few can return alive from the fields of salvoes,
Those guarding the borders are thwarted by unsettling scenarios,
Plunged into dismals they sulk with a nostalgic soul,
The moon over the tower they behold,
Remind them in their sleepless nights of the ones left in their boudoirs.

Monday 14 September 2015

漢江臨眺 王維

漢江臨        王維 (701-761)

Espying Over the River Han         Wang Wei (701-761)

Adjoining the three prefectures of Xiang are the land of Chu’s peripherals,
The nine waterways flowing from Mt. Jingmen are interlinkable,
Beyond the land the river flows,
Mountains stand amidst diaphanous hazy mizzles,
Towns and prefectures along the river float,
In the distant boundless spread of voidness billows roll,
Over Xiangyang the fine sun and wind is lovable,
The recluse laying up amid the hills should find this relishable.


Saturday 12 September 2015

洞 仙 歌 蘇 軾

洞 仙 歌        蘇 軾(1037-1101)

Ode to the Grotto Fay         Su Shi(1037-1101)

With a body of icy flesh clad skeleton of jade,
She naturally feels pleasantly cool with sweat totally out of the way,
With zephyr shrouding the water palace whiffs of fragrance infuse the place,
A ray of bright moonlight sheds on the devastating belle through a corner of the portiere,
She lies awake, with hairpin still in her velvety hair disheveled and a pillow displaced,
Getting out of bed, with her tender hand in his braced,
In the serene courtyard they pace,
With shooting stars whizzing across the Milky Way,
Caring for her, he asks, how did the night wade?
It’s already the third watch, the moon and stars turn pale,
When will the west wind come? They postulate,
Without one even knowing year after year stealthily whizzes away.



Thursday 10 September 2015

古意 李頎

古意       李頎(690-751)


A Touch of Ancientry    Li Qi (690-751)

Joining the expeditionary army has long been their métier call,
Gallants in the lands of You and Yin ever since they were juveniles,
Riding rough shods over each other they had been vying their bravery and mettle,
Slighting life has all along been their ethics normal,
People avoid them as they look dauntingly fatal,
With a menacing face decorated by hedgehog bristles,
Under the white clouds they fleet across the wide spreading fields of clouds yellow,
Before repaying His Majesty’s grace they’d never recoil,
To the east of River Liao there is a fifteen year old girl,
Playing the pipa, dancing and singing are all her gifted skills,
With a tartar pipe she plays a tune of the borders dole,
Bringing tears from the armies like spluttering rainfall.


Tuesday 8 September 2015

夜歸鹿門山歌 孟浩然

夜歸鹿門山歌      孟浩然(689-740)

Returning to Stag Gate Mountain at Night     
Meng Haoran (689-740)

Dusk falls as the temple bells toll,
People vying for boats at the jetties of Yu and Liang arouse clamorous broils,
After getting across along the sandy shore to the river village they stroll,
Back to the Stag Gate Mountain I get on a boat,
There the moon hangs shining on trees mists enshrouded,
Presently I come to where the revered guru Pang dwells,
It can only be reached through a rock gate and a long pine shaded trail,
So it remains placidly tranquil,
Only insouciant people like me find this place a repair diurnal.


Sunday 6 September 2015

題大庾嶺北驛 宋之問

題大庾嶺北驛      宋之問 (656-712)


The North Station at the Daiyu Ridge   
Song Zhiwen (656-712)

Wild geese heading south in the tenth month of the year,
Will return when they reach this ridge here,
My journey goes on and I am not pulling over,
When will I return I just have no idea,
The tide ebbs leaving a serene river,
The woods fall gloomily dark with lurking contained miasma,
Tomorrow when I climb the ridge to look for my homeland quarters,
At the plum blossoms on the field moles I should be able to take a gander.




Friday 4 September 2015

走馬川行奉送封大夫出師西征 岑參

走馬川行奉送封大夫出師西征      岑參(715-770)

Wading Across the River on My Horse to See General Feng Off to His Western Expeditionary Campaign          
Cen Shen (715-770)

Can’t you not see wading the water over to the Snow Sea the horses amble,
Extensively extensive beyond range up to the heavens the level yellow sands sprawl,
Over Luntai howls the ninth month gale,
Rock pieces as big as dippers along the waterway up by the gale hurled,
All over the place they rage and roll,
Within the Hun’s tract grasses are yellow but horses are stout and fodgel,
To the west of the Gold Mountain dust and smog up hurl,
There comes the west campaigning Han general,
Donning his armour at night even as he reposes,
Soldiers wield their spears forward at night when forward they amble,
Cutting on their faces is the scathing gale,
The sweat on the horses soon turns into snow,
Even the five dappled and stained coins coursers have theirs frozen as well,
While drafting the campaign declaration to the Huns in the tent ink in the ink stone freezes in the gelid chills,
On hearing the Han army’s overwhelming power the barbarian troops should have their flesh crawl,
Scared and daunted they would shy from coming head on in the battles,
I’d await your return of victory at the West Park of the Capital.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

山石 韓愈

山石        韓愈(768-824)

Mountain Rocks          Han Yu (768-824)

Strewn with rugged jagged gnarled rocks there leaves on the mountain a mere wisp of an anfractuous trail,
Welcome by flocks of soaring bats I reach the temple as dusk falls,
Going into the hall and sit on the steps as a deluge of new rain lulls,
Plantain leaves grow huge and cape jasmine fruits ripen and mellow,
The monks say on the walls are some exquisite distinct Buddhistic frescos,
Lit up by torch I find them singularly original,
Laying my bed and mat they offer me a meal,
The coarse food they offer suffices to have my hunger quelled,
Deep in the night I lie amidst all insects fallen asleep leaving a world of tranquil,
Into my portieres come from over the mountain the rising moon’s clear glow,
When I leave alone in the morning I can’t even find the trail,
Up and down the undulating landscape through brumes and mists I go along all,
Coming across pines and oaks with girths measuring ten full spanfuls,
Washing my feet on rocks of the running rills, the spurting splatters of the water splashing with the wind on my lapels,
Here I realize life can be so pleasurable.
Why should one be encumbered by worldly shackles,
Hence I deplore and wail for a couple of my kindred pals,
Why are they still sticking to their official devoirs and not yet retired while getting old.