Sunday 29 November 2015

桃源行 王維

桃源行       王維 (701-761)

Ballad of the Peach Fountain         Wang Wei (701-761)

To savour the verdure of spring following a stream a fisherman rows his boat,
The ancient ford is flanked on the banks by booming peach blows,
Ravished by the crimson blossoms he is oblivious of how far he would go,
Presently at the end of the stream he comes across some people,
Lurking into the mountain along an anfractuous road,
Soon the landscape spreads into levels,
Looking afar he sees trees stand cloud shrouded,
Getting closer he finds the multiple households are all veiled by blows and bamboos,
Coming across a woodcutter who is still named in the Han times title,
Dwellers there are still clad in Qin times clothes,
In this Peach Fountain of Wuling all people here have built their nestles,
Here in this outlandish world they’ve all built their farming households,
Amidst the pine woods the casements and houses lie under the bright moon in placid tranquil,
The sun comes out from the clouds in the morning amidst dog barks and cock crows,
On hearing a lay outsider making them a call,
They gather in no time as surprised as enthralled,
All trying to take him home to enquire whence he comes at all,
At dawn they sweep the alleys and passages of the fallen blows,
To avoid the Qin tyranny in the first place, a fishing and a woodcutting household came to this place along the stream at night fall,
Far away from the tumultuous world,
Finding this place a fairyland haven, never back to their old world would they recoil,
People in this vale have long buried in oblivion all troubles of the outside world,
From afar people just see an empty mountain shrouded in clouds,
The existence of such a fairy haven has never been in anybody’s know,
Nostalgia for one’s homeland can hardly be completely severed for ordinary people,
When one finally discards one’s encumbers and wants to go out to see the world,
Mountains and waters make no obstacles,
Leaving one’s home before one goes gadding in abandon is the thing to do first of all,
If you think having been there once you’ll never get lost,
But the mountain and dales do keep changing in due course,
You will only remember at first deeper and deeper into the mountain you kept hitting the trail,
Approaching the cloud shrouded woods you can hardly recall having passed how many rills,
When spring comes the whole place will be peach blossoms waters swilled,
You’ll never tell where the secret of the Peach Fountain is sealed.

Friday 27 November 2015

秦中寄遠上人 孟浩然

秦中寄遠上人      孟浩然 (689-740)

To Monk Sublimate From Qin Zhong       
Meng Haoran (689-740)

Planning to lay in reclusion amidst a knoll,
Reaching there I lack the money to build three through trails,
To go further north is beyond my will,
Here I can always think of my mentor by the East Woods Temple,
My money has all gone with my costly livelihood,
Growing old my ambitions turn frail,
Bathing in the cool breeze as dusk falls,
Cicadas have my sorrows further ruffled.



Monday 23 November 2015

老將行 王維

老將行                王維 (701-761)

Ballad of an Old General            Wang Wei (701-761)

When he was just fifteen to twenty years old,
Just by walking beside a barbarian galloping soldier he seized his horse and riding it back he bolted,
In the mountains he shot a deadly tiger with a white brow,
He is no less valourous than the hero of Yexia the Yellow Bristles,
He fought in battles spanning three thousand miles,
Sword in hand he headed on an army of a million rivals,
Han soldiers were as swift as thunder bolts,
Iron puncture vine mines were what the barbarian galloping warriors feared most,
Wei Qing had never been defeated for the luck Providence bestowed,
Li Guang had never been obliged for his feat under his odd fortune wheel,
Since he was renounced he was left to languish and frail,
Time flies as he had nothing to beguile himself his hair soon grizzled,
In archery he used to excel,
Today on his left arm willow grows,
At times he even sells melons by the road,
In front of his door he plants the symbolic recluse willows,
Gloomily spreading ancient trees into his desolate alley sprawl,
Into his casements come the view of destitute chilly hills,
He swears to make the dried up Shule spring water again sprinkle,
A pragmatic man unlike the waterman of Yingchuan who could only be emboldened  by the wine bottle,
Beneath Mt. Helan soldier formations spread out like cloud files,
Night and day military documents shuttle,
The provincial governing generals of the Three River Regions are recruiting for the armies young people,
Five imperial edicts come to have the general reinstalled,
Polishing his armour as shiny as white snow,
On his precious lethal sword stars sparkle and thrill,
All he hankers is a Yan bow with which he shoots the rival general,
Greatly ashamed he would be if he let the soldiers from Yue to squabble in front of his Lord Imperial,
Never dismiss him as the old general who guarded Yunzhong in times of old,
He can still fight to earn himself feat phenomenal.

Saturday 21 November 2015

淮上喜會梁川故人 韋應物

淮上喜會梁川故人     韋應物  (737-792)

Delightfully Running Into My Liangchuan Old Friend
On the River Huai         Wei Yingwu (737-792)

Together in Jiang Han we once dwelled,
Whenever we met we drank to our full,
As drifting clouds apart we fell,
Like water along ten years have hence bowled,
We enjoy each other’s company as much as old,
Our hair already grizzled,
Why not back to our homeland we go?
Stranding here over the River Huai only to have the autumnal mountains to keep us in fall.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

夢遊天姥吟留別 李白

夢遊天姥吟留別     李白(701- 762)

Gallivanting Around Mt. Tianlao in My Dreams      
Li Bai(701- 762)

When wayfaring travelers talk about Yingzhou the legendary oceanic isle,
It’s only an imaginary place intangible,
It’s somewhere in the billowy ocean amidst diaphanous brumes and mizzles,
When Mt. Tianlao is broached amidst the Yue people,
It could only be seen amidst random brumes and fanciful clouds and glows,
Stretching across the heaven its peak ranges straddle,
The five most important mountain ranges of the country it outrivals,
The Red City Mountain is overshadowed,
The heavenly Terrace Mountain rises forty eight thousand zhangs tall,
In front of it seas to the east tumble,
How much would I wish in dream vagaries to the land of Yue sail,
Across the moonlight on Lake Mirror fly my soul,
Bearing the moon coming to the Shan Rill,
Where Lord Xie of Jin once built his bower of recluse,
The hyaline waters there still placidly jangle,
Only more clearly the apes over the banks wail,
Putting on Lord Xie’s wooden sandals,
Up the cloud enshrouded steps I scramble,
Half way up the craggy peak the sun in the waters I behold,
In the air wild pheasants noisily warble,
Winding through thousands and thousands of craggy sienna and dales are multiple tortuous trails,
Presently dusk falls while savouring the fascinating flowers against the rocks I loll,
Amid the mountain bear howls echo to the sea dragons’ brawl and squall,
Quaked by their thundering roars even spring waters amid the rocks rattle and crackle,
Chilly trees deep up in the multiple peaks are startled and tremble,
Cloudscape turns dark blue and rain imbued,
Over the hyaline waters mists and mizzles grow,
With flashes of lightening sparkles thunders follow,
Peaks and ravines crackle,
Presently with a bang opens the fairy grotto’s rock portal,
In dark green it looks abysmal,
On the gold and silver pavilions there the sun and moon lights glow,
The supernals there put on fancy colourful clouds as their clothes and ride on wind as they travel,
Descending from the clouds they come in host,
Playing the zithers are the tigers while driving the carriages are the phoenixes celestial,
They come in a long long flax file,
Seeing these I am presently startled and my soul unsettled,
Here I jump up and utter a long wail,
By my side I only find my sleeping pillow,
I’ve lost all the brumes and cloud glows,
One should make one’s life the most pleasurable,
From of old all things in the world are like waters to the east drain and flow to the eternal,
Here we bid each other farewell,
When to meet again nobody knows,
I’ll put my white stag amid the green hills,
Whenever I want to gallivant round the great landscapes and mountains that enthrall,
Riding on it right off I’d go,
How can I twist myself to toady the high and powerful,
Blighting the will of my soul.


Sunday 15 November 2015

歲暮歸南山 孟浩然

歲暮歸南山       孟浩然 (689-740)

Back to Mt. Zhongnan at Year End       
Meng Haoran (689-740)

Present no more memorials in the Capital,
Back to my old bower at Mt. Zhongnan I recoil,
A man of no merits is renounced by His Sage Lord Imperial,
He who lays up in his ailing bed is alienated even by his old pals,
My hoar hair hurries me into years senile,
The approaching new vernal season is pressing to make its call,
Sleeplessly I lie plagued by unrelenting dismals,
Only the moon over the pines comes through the casement obligingly to have me consoled.


Friday 13 November 2015

送李中丞歸漢陽別業 劉長卿

送李中丞歸漢陽別業       劉長卿  (726-786)

Seeing Li the General Secretary Back to His Hanyang Villa 
Liu Changqing (726-786)

A wretched fallen southern expeditionary general,
Over an army of a hundred thousand soldiers he had once wielded,
After being dismissed back in his homeland he could not live on any old worthy chattels,
His old sagacious Majesty he still holds in awe as he grows old,
He personally used to keep all three border peripherals quiet and peaceful,
How he slighted his own life for the country only his sword knows,
Over the raving waters of the Great River and the Han River that boundlessly roll,
Who knows wheresoever he is heading as night falls.


Wednesday 11 November 2015

酬程近即事見贈 韓翃

酬程即事見贈     韓翃(736-790)

Replying to Cheng Jin’s Recently Bestowed Poem   
Han Yi (736-790)

On my long bamboo mat whistles the early autumnal gale,
Over the desolate city spreads the moon’s mellow glow,
Across the heavens soars a solitary autumnal wild goose,
Night laundry hustle and bustle comes from thousands of households,
As daylight dims out dusk falls,
Anticipating your poem sleep I stall,
Intoning your lovely poem over and over,
Presently caw the morning crows.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

谷口書齋寄楊補闕 錢起

谷口書齋寄楊補闕         錢起 (710-782)

To Yang the Memorial Patcher from My Study in Gukou     Qian Qi (710-782)

Springs and ravines lead to my hovel,
Mists and brumes shroud my creepers door and portieres,
After the new rain the bamboos look fresh and adorable,
The mountains look particularly lovely in the setting sun glow,
To roost early leisurely herons usually go,
Autumnal flowers make a belated fall,
Telling my servants to sweep the creepers strewn trail,
As I’d a date yesterday to coze with my old pal.

Saturday 7 November 2015

六月二十七日望湖樓醉書 蘇軾

六月二十七日望湖樓醉書    蘇軾(1037-1101)
黑雲翻墨未遮山, 白雨跳珠亂入船。
卷地風來忽吹散, 望湖樓下水如天。

Written in Drunkenness on the Lake Contemplating Pavilion on the Twenty-seventh of the Six Month            
Su Shi (1037-1101)

Wide spreading clouds as black as ink rove in the heavens leaving only the mountains unveiled,
White pearls of raindrops ragingly splash all over the boat,
Presently blasting away the clouds and all over the land comes a white squall,
The waters beneath the pavilion remain as azure as the heavens and as ravishing as the lake spells.



Thursday 5 November 2015

餞別王十一南遊 劉長卿

餞別王十一南     劉長卿 (726-786)

Bidding Wang Shiyi Farewell with a Feast on His Southbound Tour                        Liu Changqing (726-786)

Beyond misty waters boundlessly sprawl,
Waving you goodbye my tears have my scarf soaked through,
Where will the soaring birds roost,
Now only the green mountain remains to keep me in fall,
Along with the Great River fading away is your sail,
The setting sun flushes on the Lake Tai’s sceneries vernal,
Who can see me standing in the shoals?
Pining for you over the white water weeds in glum dismals.




Tuesday 3 November 2015

送僧歸日本 錢起

送僧歸日本      錢起 (710-782)

Seeing A Monk Off Back to Japan        Qian Qi (710-782)

On Buddhistic ordain to China you’ve traveled,
It’s been a dream voyage you’ve gone through
As far as to the heavens your boat has sailed.
Now on a light sutra boat back you float,
The waters and the moon will appreciate the Buddhistic peace and voidness you uphold,
Fishes and sea serpents can listen to the sutra you spiel,
The solitary Buddhistic lamp on your boat,
Will have you further enlightened through the thousands and thousands of miles.


Sunday 1 November 2015

行路難(其三) 李白

行路難()       李白  (701- 762)

Arduous Road (Poem No. 3)      Li Bai (701- 762)

Never wash your ears in the River Ying waters,
Never eat the brackens of Mt. Shouyang no matter how hungry you are,
Lie low be ordinary, and cut no conspicuous figures,
To the solitary lofty moon and drifting clouds in the heavens you need not compare,
From of old people of great feat who prospered,
Had perished if they had not soon retired,
Wu Zixu of Wu killed himself and found his body dumped in the Wu River,
Qu Yuan of Chu drowned himself in the Xiang River,
A man as well learnt and ingenious as Lu Zhan of Jin could not even have himself protected and spared,
The Prime Minister Li Si of the First Emperor of Qin should have regretted he had not earlily retired,
Couldn’t hear the herons squawk anymore Lu Zhan distressed over,
Can’t you not see the sanguine Zhang Han of Jin who was made by the Prince of Qi a major courtier,
When the autumnal gale brings in the delicacies of wild rice stew and perch stews he resolutely made up his mind to retire,
Enjoy your life with the cup of wine you are offered,
Just ignore what name you’ll leave after.