Tuesday 31 December 2013

春夜喜雨   杜甫

春夜喜雨   杜甫(712-770)


Rain of delight in spring nights            Du Fu (712-770)

A good rain knows when the seasons ring, 
It comes right in spring;
Stealthily it comes at night with the gentle wind,
Silently it nourishes everything obligingly with no hint;
Over the wild trails dark clouds have set in,
Only in boats on the river are lights seen,
In the morning wet crimson patches everywhere are stealing the scene,
Alas, blossoms are busting out within the City rims.





Monday 30 December 2013

春晴 王駕

         王駕 (851 - ?)


A spring day when rain has cleared          Wang Jia (851 - ?)
Florets and buds caught my glimpse before the rain,
But after it amid the foliage none of these remains,
Bees and butterflies are busily flying over the wall to my neighbor’s precincts,
Maybe the vernal colours there have taken on a more sparkling swing.

Sunday 29 December 2013

送友人 李白

送友人      李白(701 - 762)

青山橫北郭, 白水遶東城。
此地一為別, 孤蓬萬里征。
浮雲游子意, 落日故人情。
揮手自茲去, 蕭蕭班馬鳴。

Bidding a friend farewell                Li Bai (701 - 762)

To the north the green mountain straddles;
Round the city east the white water circles,
Here we bid farewell,
Like a piece of forlorn weed a thousand miles away you will travel;
The drifting clouds, a wayfarer’s idol.
Not even an old friend like me can keep you, nor the setting sun, on hold,
So I wave my hand and let you go,
Leaving the whinny of the parting horses in my ears to rattle.








Saturday 28 December 2013

江城子 密州出獵 蘇軾

江城子  密州出獵       蘇軾(1037 - 1101)


Jiang Cheng Zi   Go Hunting in Mizhou          Su Shi (1037 - 1101)

Taking a whim for mimicking the abandonment of a teenage young man,
This gaffer, with a yellow hound leashed in the left hand,
And a falcon perching on the right,
Leads a shoal of armed horsemen,
With brocade hat and fur coat donned,
A thousand gallopers sweep across the level highland;
Tell the whole city to follow their prefect to the hunting and attend
How he shoot tigers with his own hands,
As Sun Quan did in his time back then;
The many drinks I’ve taken have my courage and ambitions greatly enhanced,
My temples grizzle, but what does it prevent?
Wishing one day to bear the court tally to guard the frontiers like the senile Feng Tang,
Thus to the Imperial Court a great service I’d hand,
Let me draw my carved bow to its fullest bend,
Aim to the northwest and shoot the Sirius, the star guardian the invaders depend.

Friday 27 December 2013

渭城曲 王維

渭城曲     王維 (701-761)



Song of Wei City           Wang Wei  (701-761)

Flying dust in Wei City is moistened by morning drizzles,
Around the little inn verdurous and fresh is the scenery set off by the green green willows,
Do have one more cup of wine before you go,
Once out of Yangguan to the west you’ll have no more old fellows.

Thursday 26 December 2013

春日 朱熹

春日      朱熹 (1130-1200)



A spring day         Zhu Xi (1130-1200)

On a bright spring day I gallivant along River Si savouring the vernal splendours,
The complexion of the boundless scenery has taken on fresh new colours,
Not anybody can tell what it’s like basking in the vernal zephyr,
Yet everyone can tell from the myriad flowers in all colours that spring is flushing in entire.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

與朱山人 杜甫

與朱山人       杜甫(712-770)


To the recluse Zhu       Du Fu (712-770)

The native of Jinjiang wears a black headsquare,
He is not that poor as his farm yields crops of taros and chestnuts bumper,
Children like him as his presence to them is too familiar,
Even birds pecking on the steps are not in the least scared;
Only four to five feet deep is the autumnal river,
The little jetty boat is just enough for two or three to share,
White sand and verdurous bamboos by the village stream lie serene in the hazy vesper,
He walks his guest out of his wicket door to find the climbing moon glowing over.




Tuesday 24 December 2013

閣夜 杜甫

閣夜        杜甫(712-770)


Night at West House        Du Fu (712-770)
Towards the end of the year the day seems shorter as the sun and moon hurry up their shuttle,
At world’s end, the chilly night clears up as frost and snow have finally settled,
At five in the morning, drums and bugles sound valorously sad, leaving one unsettled,
Over the Three Gorges, the Milky Way trembles and twinkles,
In the countryside thousands of households weep as they hear once more of upheavals,
Foreign songs can be heard here and there sung by fishermen and wood-cutters in their toil,
Sleeping Dragon and Leaping Horse had paid their debt to history in the soil,
With no news from family and friends I vex disconsolately in withdrawal.

Monday 23 December 2013

清平樂 張炎

清平樂              張炎(1248-1314)



Qing Ping Le            Zhang Yan (1248-1314)

Flower-pickers have dispersed,
My mood for sight-seeing is hashed,
A sojourner’s viewing of the spring scenery can only be hasty,
My mind has always been taken up by poetic muse;
To world’s end last year’s swallows dismissed,
On whose houses will this year’s lie close?
Listen not to the night rains the third month amidst,
They can no longer heave flowers to flourish.



Sunday 22 December 2013

天淨沙 秋思 馬致遠

天淨沙  秋思      馬致遠  (1250-1321)


Tian Jing Sha  Autumnal muse      Ma Zhiyuan (1250-1321)

Perching on an old tree entwined by wilted rattans are evening crows,
A small bridge flies over running water amidst a few households,
A lean horse trots slowly in the west wind along an ancient road,
To the west the sun goes,
Still struggling along at world’s end is a loner with a bruised soul.

Saturday 21 December 2013

虞美人 蘇軾

虞美人       蘇軾(1037 - 1101)

 Yu Mei Ren           Su Shi (1037 - 1101)

With a cup of wine, I drink to the moon in the welkin afar from where I stand,  
Oh Moon, I wish you could stay fully waxed and never wane,  
With the wine I also drink to the flowers on their stems,  
I wish you could stay in full bloom all the way and never faint;  
Getting drunk savouring the flowers under the moon with a cup of wine in hand,  
Confound it! All successes and mischances,  
Few knows what great glee this lands,  
If you don’t drink to the blooming flowers now as you can,  
Then, when?  

Friday 20 December 2013

漫興九首(其七) 杜甫

漫興九首(其七)      杜甫(712-770)


In insouciance (No. 7)        Dufu (712-770)

Scattered willow down spreads out on the path like a white carpet unfolded,
Overlapping lotus leaves dot out on the stream like coin rows,
New bamboo shoots under the ground are still too young to show,
On the beach, ducklings sleep in their mothers’ hold.




Thursday 19 December 2013

漫興九首(其五) 杜甫

漫興九首(其五)      杜甫(712-770)


In insouciance (No. 5)             Dufu (712-770)

How bruising it is as spring relinquishes its reign,
In shallow waters I saunter with a cane and savour the scenery from where I stand,
Raving willow down engages the breeze in a delirious dance,
Ravishing delicate peach blossoms drift with the water to their end.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

夜上受降城聞笛 李益

夜上受降城聞笛      李益 (748-827)


Hearing flutes on Shouxiang Citywall at night      Li Yi (748-827)

The sands in front of Mt Huile look like snow,
The moon beyond the Shouxiang City feels frosty and cold,
The sounds of reed flutes come from nowhere,
Unsettling  all through the night the soldiers’ nostalgic souls.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

蝶戀花 晏殊

蝶戀花         晏殊 (991-1055)


Die Lian Hua                Yan Shu (991-1055)

Within the fences chrysanthemums shrouded in gloom vapour,
Dew drops drip from petals of orchids like tears,
Light chills silently seize my upholsters,
Away swallows have flown in pairs;
The bright moon understands not the sorrow of sunder,
Casting through the vermillion casements slanting lights till dawn appears,
Last night the bitter west winds had the verdant trees withered,
Alone I mount the high tower,
Straining to look to the farmost I try to reach the end of the world’s sphere,
To you a billet-doux I wish to deliver,
But where in this boundless world do you fare?