Monday 30 June 2014

絕句 釋志安

絕句      釋志安 ()

古木陰中繫短篷,   杖藜扶我過橋東。  
沾衣欲濕杏花雨,   吹面不寒楊柳風。  

A Jueju Poem       Shi Zhi’an (Tang Poet)  

To an ancient tree I tie my boat in the shades,
Crossing the bridge I come to the east with my cane’s aid,
Lovely apricot blossom mizzles on my clothes slightly moisten but not lave,
Soothing willow zephyr on my face only caresses but not scathes.



Sunday 29 June 2014

秋風引 劉禹錫

秋風引         劉禹錫 (772-842)

何處秋風至, 蕭蕭送雁群。    
朝來入庭樹, 孤客最先聞。

A Verse to the Autumnal Gale     Liu Yuxi (772-842)

Where comes this autumnal gale,
Rattling it ushers in wild geese in files,
In the morning amid the trees in the court it rustles,
Who else would notice this scenario other than the solitary wayfarer stranded idle.

Saturday 28 June 2014

答李澣 韋應物

答李澣        韋應物 (737-792)     
林中觀易罷, 溪上對鷗閒。
楚俗饒詞客, 何人最往還。

In Reply to Li Huan       Wei Yingwu (737-792)

After reading the Book of Change deep in the wooded area,
The seagulls on the stream I leisurely admire,
The land of Chu is traditionally an area where bards mushroom in numbers,
Amid them with whom do you frequent each other’s door.

Friday 27 June 2014

千秋歲 張先

千秋歲       張先(990-1078)


Qian Qiao Sui           Zhang Xian (990-1078)

Flowers fade away amid cuckoo warbles,
Jealousy of spring, unwittingly I pick a remaining red blow,
Amid rough wind and rain blows how can the green green plum fruits stay safe and stable,
Desolate willows with willow down flittering all day like drifts of snow,
Please leave the zither to idle,
Don’t let go its grievous warbles,
The Heaven never grows old,
Nor is my love for you stoppable,
An intertwined double silk web my heart resembles
Knitted together by thousands and thousands of nubbles
As the night dwindles,
With dawn on the threshold,
A setting moon in the heavens frozen dazzled.


Thursday 26 June 2014

罷相作 李適之

罷相作      李適之()


Resigning From the Office of Chancellor          Li Shizhi (Tang Poet)

Abdicating myself from my office for the more capable,
Drinking is the only way I placate my days inconsolable,
My house used to be jammed with guests honourable,
Who else will come visit this man in the dumps again today when he is over a barrel.



Wednesday 25 June 2014

贈喬侍郎 陳子昂

贈喬侍郎    陳子昂(656-695)


To Deputy Chancellor Qiao      Chen Zi’ang (656-695)

In our court only schemers rise to the top,
Even those with great military feats are dropped,
Imperial censors like you, no matter how righteously you do your job,
Whoever will accord you the acclaim you ought’ve got.



Tuesday 24 June 2014

江行望匡廬 錢起

江行望匡廬       錢起 (710-782)


Espying Mountain Lu While Sailing on the Great River     
Qian Qi (710-782)
Mt. Lu, where Kuang Heng of Han built his seclusive bower, is within reach looking from the Great River,
But wind and rain have my hope of mounting it shattered,
I suspect under the misty and hazy clouds that have it covered,
In its numerous grottos monks of the Six Dynasties still linger.



Monday 23 June 2014

汾上驚秋 蘇頲

汾上驚秋    蘇頲  (670-727)


Sudden Arrival of Autumn on River Fen      Su Ting (670-727)

White clouds driven along by the northern gales,
After crossing River Fen I still have thousands of miles to trail,
Tribulating feelings on my mind  rankle,
With divesting leaves amid the autumnal gale they chime in the rattles.

Sunday 22 June 2014

尋隱者不遇 賈島

尋隱者不遇     賈島(779-843)


Visiting My Recluse Friend In Vain    Jia Dao (779-843)

Under the pine tree I ask a boy the whereabouts of his mentor,
Gathering medicinal herbs he has repaired,
Somehow in this mountain wheresoever,
Enshrouded deep in the clouds thither.

Saturday 21 June 2014

逢俠者 錢起

逢俠者      錢起 (710-782)


Running Into a Bravo               Qian Qi (710-782)

In the lands of Yan and Zhao,
There are many a bravo,
This is the place of the great bravo Ju Meng of Han’s homeland abode,
Running across you here in the middle of the Luoyang road,
There is so much in my heart I can’t possibly tell you presently in detail,
But what a shame the sun is hurrying to go.



Friday 20 June 2014

歸雁 錢起

歸雁        錢起(710-782)


Departure of the Returned Wild Geese     Qian Qi (710-782)

Having already returned to the southern rivers,
For what back to the north have they suddenly repaired,
Aren’t they happy with the dazzling sands and mosses on the banks of the azure waters,
Or they can’t tolerate the sorrowful whimpers of the zither deep in the moonlit vesper.



Thursday 19 June 2014

答鍾弱翁 牧童

答鍾弱翁     牧童()


Replying Zhong Ruoweng      Cowherb (Song)

Across the wild green grass rankly spreads six to seven miles,
Amidst evening breeze on the back of my cow I play my fife for a while,
After supper, as the night dwindles,
Still in my straw cape lying down to savour the moon I idle.


Wednesday 18 June 2014

夜半樂 柳永

夜半樂         柳永 ()  


Ye Ban Le          Liu Yong (Song Poet)

The gloomy sky is laden with chilly cloud layers,
Taking a whim I board a boat and sail off the shore,
Passing thousands of enchanting mountain ravines and rivers,
Deep into a stream fading away are the billow roars,
Presently winds from the hills come with travelling tradessmen’s palavers,
Under the bright sun with sail fully reared,
The boat like a bird towards the south soars,
There inn signs in the air gleamily flutter,
Over the hamlets mists hover,
A dozen rimy trees strut prominently in the flush of the sun as it respires,
Fishermen beating on the bows calling it a day and retire,
Lotus in the pond has nearly withered,
Willows by the roadside hang in clutters,
Laundry girls come in a cluster,
They shy away from other travelers,
And more shy with their laughters,
Their naivety and insouciance make me deeply chagrined at leaving behind the one I care at her bower,
Like duckweed I drift everywhere,
When can I see her again hereafter?
Will my pledge to her be honoured?
I can’t say for sure either,
How sorrowful are the griefs of sunder,
Fleeting time has me utterly shattered,
Amidst the fading whimpers of the wayfaring lone wild goose in the vesper,
I can only gaze at the Capital with eyes simmering with tears.

Tuesday 17 June 2014

秋懷 陸游

秋懷         陸游(1125-1210)


Autumnal Sensibilities      Lu You (1125-1210)

Gardeners plucking cucumbers under the trellis,
Picking colourful flowers along the fences are the village lassies,
The residual heat of summer is still harassing people living in the cities,
Autumn first comes to people living in the wilderness.

Monday 16 June 2014

夏夜追涼 楊萬里

夏夜追涼      楊萬里(1127-1206)


Trailing the Cool in Summer Nights      Yang Wanli (1127-1206)

Summer nights are as hot as at noon,
Going outdoors, I stand right in the moon,
Amidst insect chirps deep in the dense bamboo woods,
Drafts of cool that come instead of wind really soothe.

Sunday 15 June 2014

玉樓春 戲林推 劉克莊

玉樓春 戲林推     劉克莊 (1187-1269)


Yu Lou Chun  Chaffing Deputy Governor Lin   Liu Kezhuang (1187-1269) 

Roaming Chang’an on horseback year after year,
Making home a hostel and the hostel the living quarters,
Idling away the days with green coins for liquor,
And gamble away night after night through the vesper,
You could easily sort out your wife’s embroidered poem letters,
But could never make out what the charming courtesans are after,
As man the lost territories on the north-west of our motherland you should always remember,
Never for the courtesans of the Water-west Bridge shed your tears.







Saturday 14 June 2014

鳥鳴澗 王維

鳥鳴澗    王維(701-761)


Bird Twittering Rill       Wang Wei (701-761)

Osmanthus blossoms wilt,
Deep in the night, spring mountains stand still in solitude,
As the moon emerges, birds in the mountains are thrilled,
Twittering amid the spring rill.

Friday 13 June 2014

贈別(其一) 杜牧

贈別(一)      杜牧(803-852)


Saying Goodbye (No. 1)     Du Mu (803-852)

Only thirteen, gracile and lithe, she is beaming with splendor,
A glowing bud in the beginning of the second month coming to flower,
Along the ten golden vernal miles of Yangzhou,
She outshines all girls behind the pearl portieres.