Saturday 30 August 2014

左掖梨花 丘為

左掖梨花     丘為 (694-789)


Pear Blossoms To The Left Of The Palace       Qiu Wei (694-789)   

Her gelid glamour outclasses that of the snow,
Presently into the emperor’s robe her fragrance exudes and flows,
It’s hard to tell thither the vernal zephyr blows,
May it come down the steps of the court on officials like me down and low.


Thursday 28 August 2014

送朱大入秦 孟浩然

送朱大入秦    孟浩然 (689-740)

遊人五陵去, 寶劍值千金。   
分手脫相贈, 平生一片心。   

Seeing Zhu Da off to Qin      Meng Haoran (689-740)

To Wu Ling my friend goes,
This precious sword is worth a thousand pieces of gold,
Let me seal our friendship with this sword I am wearing to bid you farewell,
May it evince my affection for you from my soul.


Tuesday 26 August 2014

望海潮 柳永

望海潮           柳永 ()  



Wang Hai Chao        Liu Yong (Song Poet)

In the south-east she is topographically favoured,
With transport easy and unhampered,
Qiantang (Hangzhou) has been from of old the metropolitan of the Three Wu areas,
Over the exquisitely adorned bridges the mist enshrouded willows flutter,
Flapping in the wind are numerous verdant portieres,
Undulant are the tens of thousands of household quarters and manors,
Cloudscape tree tops line the banks and shores,
Billows hurling up heaps of snowdrifts in the air,
The natural river gully extends endlessly afar,
Markets strewn with jewelley and bijouteries,
Making a parade of their silk and brocade every home vies to show off their sumptuousness and splendor,
The three folded West Lake with her numerous enchanting mountain ranges and sierras,
Teeming with fascinating scented autumnal osmanthus flowers,
And whiffs of lotus spreading miles afar,
On fine days flute music everywhere makes the day seem much brighter,
Songs from water caltrop pickers through the night make a delight of the vesper,
The fishermen with hoar hair,
And the teenage lotus seed girl pickers,
All chime in to paint this picture with viridity and glomour,
Here comes the intoxicated Governor,
Flaunting his official standard by a thousand escorting riders,
Joining everybody with the fantastic music and scenery to savour,
Hoping to bring back to the court how ravishing Hangzhou is one day he has an audience with the Emperor.





Sunday 24 August 2014

秋日湖上 薛瑩

秋日湖上    薛瑩 ()


On the Five Lakes in an Autumn Day   
Xue Ying (Tang Poet)     
Relishing the scenery of the Five Lakes while the sun is going away,
Melancholy looms large everywhere over the hazy waves,
Long long past are the valorous feats of the kingdoms of the old days,
With the tide to the east they had already for ages raved.



Friday 22 August 2014

長安秋望 趙嘏

長安秋望       趙嘏 (806-853)


Autumnal Reflections in Chang’an     Zhao Gu (806-853)

Autumnal sceneries are gloomy and bruising with thin clouds shrouding over the office chambers,
The imperial palaces rise high into the autumnal ether,
Incoming wayfaring wild geese from the north fleet against stalling morning stars,
Amidst a long blare of the flute I lean on high tower,
Half of the purple chrysanthemums by the fence have quietly come to flower,
Lotuses on the ait have shed their crimson array in despair,
Now the perch at this time has its best flavour,
But I am stranded here donning a southern hat like the Chu prisoner.




Wednesday 20 August 2014

宮中題 唐文宗

宮中題      唐文宗


A Poem Written In the Palace        Emperor Wen Zong of Tang
Autumnal grasses flush along the imperial carriage road,
The imperial garden is teeming with enchanting blows,
High up in the palace here a fine prospect I behold,
Unstoppable emotions surge and roll,
But how would my court officials know?

Monday 18 August 2014

伊州歌 益嘉運

伊州歌      益嘉運()


A Yizhou Song         Yi Jiayun (Tang Poet)    

Confound it! You damned oriole,
Stop twittering on the bough,
You’ve startled me from my dream with my husband in a rendezvous,
Whence how to the west of Liao to meet him in person could I go!


Saturday 16 August 2014

茅屋為秋風所破歌 杜甫

茅屋為秋風所破歌        杜甫 (712-770)




An Elegy on My Hovel Being Battered by the Autumnal Squalls                                                    Du Fu (712-770)

In the eighth month the autumnal sky hung high and the squalls growled,
Hurling away the three layers of creepers on my hovel,
Some of them flew with the wind over the river and scattered all over the mole,
High on trees some dangled,
Down into swamp pools some whirled,
Urchins from the south village contemning me weak and old,
Right in front of me my creepers they stole,
Into the bamboo woods with the creepers they bolted,
With stupefied lips and mouth I could not stop them even I yowled,
Back home leaning on my cane I could only bewail with dole,
Meanwhile died down the squalls,
And the clouds turned as black as coal,
The autumnal sky towards dusk was darkly veiled,
Frigid and stiff was my rugged old quilt,
My ill-sleeping son had it untimely scuttled,
In a roofless house everywhere the deluge of rain sprinkled,
Incessant rain beating on my feet through the night never quelled,
Ever since the treacherous upheaval I’ve never slept well,
Over such a long night with a drenching body how could I hold,
How could there be thousands and thousands of houses with space ample and comfortable,
Sheltering all poor scholars from the storms and squalls,
And let them live forever comfortable and stable,
Alack! If such houses emerge right in front of me in a twinkle,
Whence I die right now with a shattered hovel in gelid chills.






Thursday 14 August 2014

直中書省 白居易

直中書省     白居易(772-846)        


On Duty in the Chancellery      Bai Juyi (772-846)

There is not much writing to do at the Imperial Edict Court,
From the drum tower I listen to the ticks of the water clock,
Who to keep me company as I sit in solitude under the night cloak,
What other than the myrtle blossoms vis-à-vis this myrtle official on call.



Tuesday 12 August 2014

表兄話舊 竇叔向

表兄話舊    竇叔向 ()


Reminiscence with My Cousin        Dou Shuxiang (Tang poet)

The scent of vetch-tree blossoms in the courtyard abounds,
Deep in the night amidst mizzles from my wine I’ve just come round,
I just don’t know how to reply the letter coming afar from you with your affections profound,
Things past are so dolorous that I could hardly expound,
 Children when I left home are now all adults around,
Half of the relations and friends of old are now in the burial ground,
Tomorrow leaving in your boat alone you’ll be far bound,
The blue inn-signs of the wine house by the river bridge stir my glum deep down.

Sunday 10 August 2014

新秋 杜甫

新秋        杜甫 (712-770)


Early Autumn           Du Fu (712-770)

The glowing firy cloudscape of summer has not yet had its spiky peaks leveled,
Reclining on my pillow I am startled by the rustle of leaves in the autumnal gale,
Foliage in gardens are beginning to shrivel,
Some households are busy with their laundry hustle and bustle in the tranquil,
Intermittent mournful cicada chirrs come with the moon on its heels,
Flittering fireflies bring dots of light against a dark heavenly veil,
Wishing to present my newly composed poem for His Majesty’s perusal,
Aging and decrepit, I find deep in the night my hair has already become messy hay whiffles.




Friday 8 August 2014

秋思 陸游

秋思      陸游 (1125-1210)


Autumnal Muse       Lu You (1125-1210)

Ambitions and desires are driving people like a thousand oxen with burning tails,
I’d rather gad on the tramp like a seagull,
The summer days are as long as year for anyone idle,
Get yourself drunk and leave the world in a tumble,
Laundry clamour deep in the alleys fade away as the night dwindles,
The divesting wutong leaves flutter in the autumnal gale,
I’d like to ease my aging eyes on some place high aloft,
But where can I find the hundred foot tower of Chen Yuanlong of the Three Kingdoms ages ago.



Wednesday 6 August 2014

天仙子 張先

天仙子 時爲嘉禾小倅,以病眠不赴府會      張先 (990-1078)


Tian Xian Zi            Zhang Xian (990-1078)
Serving as a local magistrate in Xiuzhou, I am staying away from a booze feinting unwell.

Listening to a song with wine in hand,
Awaking from the wine at noon and still hanging over my melancholy that will remain,
Until the next spring comes again,
Looking at the mirror at dusk I repent,
Frittering away my best years down the drain,
Looking forward to good days to come is just vain.
Seabirds sleep in couples on the sands,
Presently clouds disperse and the bright moon there stands,
Casting flower shadows vividly dense,
Putting down layers of portieres,
I try to cover the flickering lamp,
Deep in the night the wind still rants,
I brood whence,
By tomorrow fallen petals will strew the lane.




Monday 4 August 2014

寒食 韓翃

寒食      韓翃 (736-790)

春城無處不飛花, 寒食東風御柳斜。  
日暮漢宮傳蠟燭, 輕煙散入五侯家。  

The Cold Meals Festival      Han Yi (736-790)
In spring there is no place without flying petals within the Capital,
Under the east winds of the Cold Meals Festival willows in the imperial garden tumble,
Candles are lit with new fire in the Imperial Palace as dusk falls,
Whiffs of smoke into the households of the Five Marquis float.


Saturday 2 August 2014

冷泉亭 林洪

冷泉亭       林洪 ()

一泓清可沁詩脾, 冷暖年來只自知。  
流出西湖載歌舞, 回頭不似在山時。  

The Chilly Spring Pavilion     Lin Hong (Song Poet) 

So hyaline and unpolluted is the spring that it cleanses a bard’s innards and soul,
All these years only itself knows when it will turn warm and cold,
Running into the West Lake on it singing and dancing float,
Once there it’ll never be limpid again even if it returns to its original spring of old.