Wednesday 30 April 2014

春夜 王安石

春夜        王安石(1021-1086)


A Spring Night      Wang Anshi (1021-1086)

Incense in the golden burner burns out while the water clock drips to nil,
The whistlong whistling breezes bring with them chills after chills,
The irksome spring leaves me lying sleeplessly still,
To watch the moon climb slowly up to bring the flower shadows over the balustrade into my view.

Tuesday 29 April 2014

城東早春 楊巨源

城東早春       楊巨源()


Early spring in the city east     Yang Juyuan (Tang Poet)

Bards are expecting to see new sceneries in the new spring teeming with fascinating splendour,
Fresh willows are still yellowy green but not yet taken on full verdure,
When blossoms in the imperial gardens bloom in enthralling glamour,
Places will be thronged with people vying to admire the myriad ravishing vernal flowers.

Monday 28 April 2014

梅花 林逋

梅花      林逋(967-1028)


The Plum Blossom         Lin Bu (967-1028)

She still struts with elan vital while all rival flowers have wilted,
Her charisma secures her supremacy over all other blossoms in view,
Shadows she casts on the shallow limpid water are scattered and askew,
Whiffs of fragrance floating in the moonlight have the whole place aromatically veiled,
Before coming down to join her, the immaculate white crane would over her a quick glance steal,
The butterflies should have their souls ravished if they know such a heavenly blossom is real,
Fortunate am I to have concocted a poem to hail her with a will,
Therein I can do without the clapper music and the wine to chant aloud my admiration for her celestial build.

Sunday 27 April 2014

打毬圖 鼂無咎

打毬圖        鼂無咎()


Football Playing        Chao Wujiu (Song Poet)

The myriad doors of the palace are all wide open,
Comes the Supreme Third Prince intoxicated and sated with lots of football fun,
Premiers Zhang Jiuling is already decrepit and Han Xiu defunct,
Tomorrow no more admonishing memorials will come.

Saturday 26 April 2014

清明 王禹偁

清明       王禹(954-1001)


Ching Ming Festival        Wang Yucheng (954-1001)

A Ching Ming Festival passed by with flowers and wine I’ve had none,
I feel as unpalatable as a wayfaring monk,
Yesterday I begged a neighbor who has got new cooking fire to share with me some,
So at dawn I can light up my lamp and study under my casement,
The normal daily work of a poor young scholar has thus begun.



Friday 25 April 2014

插花吟   邵雍

插花吟      邵雍(1011-1077)

頭上花枝照酒巵 酒巵中有好花枝
身經兩世太平日 眼見四朝全盛時
況復筋骸粗康健 那堪時節正芳菲
酒涵花影紅光溜 爭忍花前不醉歸

On sticking a blossom spray         Shao Yong (1011-1077)

The spray of blossom I stick in my hair,
Presently its image comes alive in the wine of the goblet as I am ready to take a liquor,
The charming blossom adorns not only my hair,
It brings the goblet life and glamour;
It’s been sixty years of peace I’ve covered,
Four imperial eras of prosperity I’ve fortunately encountered,
My body is still robust and bursting with vigour,
Now the season is gleaming with spendour,
With all these ravishing blossoms and fine wine for me to savour,
How can I give up drinking and stay sober.



Thursday 24 April 2014

時世行 杜荀鶴

時世行      杜荀鶴 (846-904)


Turbulent Difficult Times        Du Xunhe (846-904)

For the military unrests men shut themselves up in their hovels,
Women toil away everywhere to make ends meet in hempen dresses with their hair shriveled,
Mulberry growing and silk-worm farming are left to dwindle, but government duties are unshirkable,
No harvest from unploughed fields means no money for government levy to settle,
At times they have to feed on wild herbs with roots as staple,
They just burn any wild wood casually cut with leaves as cooking fuel,
However deep in the mountain one withholds,
One can never avoid the levy government corrals,



Wednesday 23 April 2014

感遇四首(四) 張九齡

感遇四首()     張九齡 (678-740)


On one’s fare (Poem No. 4)           Zhang Jiuling (678-740)

South of the Great River there is a tree called the red tangerine,
Even after the bitter winter it maintains its green,
Is it for the warmth of the land that it survives the scathing winds?
Or it has the ability to withstand the extreme;
It can be offered to the noblesse supreme,
If not for the wicked ones’ ulterior schemes,
Fortune is not what can be foreseen,
It comes and goes at its own whims,
People who just love planting plums and peaches,
Do not know what they have lost therein.



Tuesday 22 April 2014

感遇四首(三) 張九齡

感遇四首()     張九齡 (678-740)

幽人歸獨臥 ,滯慮洗孤清。
持此謝高鳥 ,因之傳遠情。
日夕懷空意 ,人誰感至精。
飛沈理自隔 ,何所慰吾誠。

On one’s fare (Poem No. 3)          Zhang Jiuling (678-740)

To his recluse retreats a reserved man,
He cleanses his penned up apprehensions and lives seclusively hence,
To the high-soaring birds he thanks,
To have his lofty aspirations related to people far and wide to the full extent,
Day and night onto a vain hope he hangs,
His bona fides someday someone will truly apprehend,
Those loftily ascend will never understand those secluded at the base who choose to descend,
How’d my heart’s utmost sincerity ever be comprehended.





Monday 21 April 2014

擕妓納涼晚際遇雨(其二) 杜甫

擕妓納涼晚際遇雨()      杜甫 (712-770)


Caught in the rain while relishing the evening cool with courtesans (Poem No. 2)         Du Fu (712-770)

With gusty rain beating on the feast table on board,
The rough wind blasts on the bows,
Wont to water women from the east even with their red skirts wet still uphold,
But those from the north have their brows knitted when the boat rocks and rolls;
Portieres of the boat float on the billows,
After releasing the rope tied to the bank willows,
We go home amidst rain and wind blows,
Autumnal weather in the fifth month on a small pond is as unusual as awful.




Sunday 20 April 2014

擕妓納涼晚際遇雨(其一) 杜甫

擕妓納涼晚際遇雨()      杜甫 (712-770)


Caught in the rain while relishing the evening cool with courtesans (Poem No. 1)          Du Fu(712-770)

It’s best setting off in a boat when the sun goes down,
With the boat sailing in mild breezes rippled water bounds,
Deep in the bamboo woods is the best place to hang around,
With whiffs of scent of fresh lotus abound,
Noblesse regaling the guests with icy drinks sufficing their thirst demands,
While lovely women keenly making julienne fresh lotus roots to go with the rounds,
Presently a dark cloud overhead surrounds,
Urging poems to be written for this scenario to go renowned.




Saturday 19 April 2014

田家 范成大

       范成大 (1126-1193)

晝出耘田夜績麻, 村莊兒女各當家;
童孫未解供耕織, 也傍桑陰學種瓜。

A farming household       Fan Chengdai (1126-1193)

At daybreak in their fields they toil,
In the evening in flax plaiting they still travail,
For every man and woman of the household each has to oneself duties to owe,
For those too young to till the fields or about plaiting nothing they know,
Will learn growing melons under the mulberries in the shadows.


Friday 18 April 2014

干戈 王中

干戈         王中()



Military upheavals       Wang Zhong (Song Poet)     

Where could I repair to amid all these military unrests?
My temples are already as hoar as silk without accomplishing anything in success,
Taking after Wang Can of the Three Kingdoms for my life’s moral senses,
My ethos is to concoct poems like Du Fu of Tang in times of social turbulences;
My brothers are scattered thousands of miles away with no news from them ever getting across,
Like a solitary bird on an old tree under the chilly moon that desolately roosts,
How could I ever get hold of the thousand-day wine of Zhong Shan?
Till the day the state resumes peace I’ll stay forever under the sauce.

Thursday 17 April 2014

題榴花 朱熹



The Pomegranate Blossom        Zhu Hei (1130-1200)

In the fifth month the pomegranate blossom cuts a conspicuous figure of crimson glamour,
Amid the sprays early pomegranate fruits begin to appear,
What a pity visitors are scarce in this remote area,
Fallen petals are left to mess up with the moss with the beautiful blossoms uncared.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

新竹 黃庭堅

新竹         黃庭堅(1045-1105)

Newly planted bamboos         Huang Tingjian(1045-1105)

Carefully arranging brambles to hedge them in barriers,
Fully grown they will carry a verdure that paints aqua viridity into limpid dimply waters,
When the breeze sweeps it seems to bring autumnal crispness early over,
At noon it will not be able to tell the sun is blazing like fire,
When bamboo shoots bust out of their sheaths they snap with crackers,
Leaves burgeoning bamboos only make shadows sparsely checkered,
With my mat and pillow, when I retire,丶
This will be my place of great repair.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

傷春 楊簡

傷春      楊簡 (1141-1226)


Spring griefs      Yang Jian (1141-1226)

I’ve expected lots of pleasure this spring,
But again I’ve let the east wind down without relishing everything it brings,
Years come and go as if my eyes have not seen how blossoms bloom in full swing,
All these years I’ve either fallen in the dumps or been ailing.



Monday 14 April 2014

登山 李涉

登山     李涉 ()


Up the hills           Li She (Tang Poet)

I hang around drowsily between soberness and intoxication all the day,
Spring has come to its end presently I hear people say,
So up the hill I force myself to make the way,
While passing a monkery a discourse with an old monk I engage,
Therein with half a day of leisurely pleasure I myself regale.

Sunday 13 April 2014

海棠 蘇軾

海棠       蘇軾(1037-1101)


Crab blossoms        Su Shi (1037-1101)

The moonlight floods with east zephyr in a soft splendor,
Over to the loggia it then turns amidst scented ethereal aura,
Deep in the night I am afraid even the blossoms will retire,
I burn tall candles to light up their ravishing looks to savour.