Friday 28 February 2014

江南逢李龜年 杜甫

江南逢李龜年      杜甫(712-770)


Falling across Li Guinian in the south       Du Fu (712-770)

In the house of Prince Qi we often fell across,
The times I heard you perform in the hall of Cui Di were limited after all,
Right now the scenery south of the River just enthrals,
We meet again right at a time when our pneuma flowers and the reigning blossom of the era fall.



Thursday 27 February 2014

暮春即事 葉采

暮春即事      葉采()



A snapshot in late spring       Ye Cai ( Song Poet )

Pairs of sparrows from the tiled roof come down walking on my desk,
Blown into my ink stone willow down is arrested,
Beside the little casement I sit reading the Book of Change in quiet recess,
Oblivious of how long spring has made herself scarce.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

泊秦淮 杜牧

泊秦淮      杜牧(803-852)


Taking berth at Qin Huai           Du Mu (803-852)

The chilly river waters are enshrouded in the mists while the sands in clear moonlight,
My boat moors at Qin Huai near a wine house for the night,
The song girls, oblivious of the humiliation of a sovereign forfeiting his rights,
Over the river bank they still sing debauched songs of the old days reflecting on the debauchery nature of the fallen kingdom’s plights.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

遣悲懷 元稹

遣悲懷      元稹(779-831)


Unpenning my griefs         Yuan Zhen (779-831)
We used to banter what would happen when we die,
Today they have actually happened before my eyes,
All given away are the clothes you left behind,
Your sewing box is left intact for memory of you and just put aside,
Your maids have been well taken care of with you in mind,
To allay the gnawing pain on seeing you in my dreams burning offerings to you I rely,
I reckon everyone has to go through these pangs of trials,
For couples scrapping a living what else do they have other than a lachrymose life.


Monday 24 February 2014

採桑子 歐陽修

採桑子      歐陽修 (1007-1072)


Cai Sang Zi         Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)

The West Lake remains as picturesque as ever despite all blossoms have faded,
Fallen petals are messy all over the place,
Willow down drizzles like haze,
Weeping willows flutter in the breeze over the parapets throughout the day,
Travelers have gone with sounds of music and songs die away,
Here good-bye I hear spring say,
I see swallows coming home in pairs amidst the drizzles through the dropped portieres.



Sunday 23 February 2014

茅簷 書湖陰先生壁 王安石

茅簷書湖陰先生壁       王安石 (1021-1086)


Thatched Eaves Written on Mr. Lake-shade’s wall   Wang Anshi (1021-1086)

Frequently swept, no trace of moss is seen under the thatched eaves of his home,
The path leading to it is strewn with flowers and trees he planted on his own,
A stream cuddles the fields and offers a delightful verdant spectacle,
Gates of the house open to two green hills bringing all the verdure one hankers most.

Saturday 22 February 2014

下江陵 李白

下江陵      李白(701-762)


Going Down to Jiangling       Li Bai (701-762)

I took leave of Baidi city amidst rainbow clouds in the morn,
And arrived at Jiangling a thousand miles away later the same day thereon,
Meanwhile apes on both banks of the river have never stopped to mourn,
My light boat has already easily passed thousands of mountains all along.

Friday 21 February 2014

小重山 岳飛

小重山      岳飛 (1103-1141)



Xiao Chong Shan            Yue Fei (1103-1141)

Last night autumn crickets chirred incessantly till break of day,
Startling me from my dream in which I was a thousand miles away,
The night was only midway.
Getting out of bed, alone around the courtyard I paced,
In quiet solitude, outside the portieres of the window case,
The moon glimmered amidst the haze;
I’ve striven for success and renown all my life till my hair turns grey,
So strong and thick are the old pines and bamboos by the old mountain trails that hamper my home way,
I wish through the zither my bosom secrets to convey,
But how many people know what the zither plays,
No matter how hard I play it, even breaking its strings in disarray,
Who would understand what I wish to say?


Thursday 20 February 2014

送別 王維

送別         王維(701-761)


Bidding a friend farewell     Wang Wei (701-761)

We dismount our horses to bid each other farewell with a drink,
I enquire where you are heading,
You say you are not faring as well as you’d think,
Back to the slopes of Mt Zhongnan you are retiring;
So please fare forth, don’t let me keep you with my asking,
Our friendship will, as the white clouds, be everlasting.





Wednesday 19 February 2014

醉花陰 李清照

醉花陰     李清照(1084-1151)


Zui Hua Yin          Li Qingzhao (1084-1151)
Shrouded in incense smoke, glum seizes my day,
The camphol incense burns out, leaving only the censer with animate gold-inlaid,
Double-Yang Festival is again on its way,
Through my pillow and the gauze curtain midnight chills invade,
Drinking by the east fence of my chrysanthemum garden in the evening haze,
From my sleeves whiffs of fragrance emanate,
Bruising! Wouldn’t you say?
The west wind curling up the portiere,
A human figure frailer than the yellow flower is betrayed.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

歸園田居五首(其三) 陶淵明

歸園居五首(其三)      陶淵明(365-427)


Retreating to a rustic life (Poem No. 3)     
Tao Yuanming (365-427)

I grow beans on the South Mountain terrace,
Bean sprouts become scarce while ill weeds grow apace,
Every morning I rise to weed and till my fields amidst dawn haze,
Go home bearing on my shoulder the hoe and the moonrays,
Along the narrow path dense tall grasses rage,
Evening dews always wet my clothes through them I make way,
Wetting my clothes does not get me frustrated,
As long as I can adhere to the choice of simple life I’ve made.

Monday 17 February 2014

無題(三) 李商隱

無題()      李商隱 (813-858)


Untitled (3)              Li Shangyin  (813-858)

She comes amidst a pack of empty pledges, and leaves with no traces to find,
A slant of moonlight sheds on the high tower when the bell peals out five,
In my dreams, she wouldn’t care to stay even if I whine,
Agog to write her a letter, my ink is always yet to grind,
The gold halcyon half-lit by the candle is now what abides,
With the musk fumigated lotus upholstery over my bedside,
Even the romantic Liu Chen of Han resented the remoteness of Pengshan,
She is now even countless Pengshans behind.



Sunday 16 February 2014

贈汪倫 李白

贈汪倫       李白(701- 762)
To Wang Lun              Li Bai (701- 762)
Li Bai is setting off in his boat,
Presently he hears someone come singing on his approach,
One thousand feet of water the Peach Blossom Pond holds,
But none as deep as Wang Lun’s affection for me as he comes to see me go.

Saturday 15 February 2014

秋夜曲 王維

秋夜曲      王維 (701-761)

A song in an autumn night     Wang Wei (701-761)
Autumnal dew is scarce when the moon first appears,
Yet to change my clothes I find it a bit cold for my silk garment to bear,
Deep in the night, still keenly playing my silver zither,
I detest the solitude of an empty bower to which I dread to retire.

Friday 14 February 2014

蝶戀花 柳永

蝶戀花      柳永 ()


Die Lian Hua                       Liu Yong (Song Poet)

The zephyry zephyr shrouds me as I stand alone on the high tower,
I look to the farmost sky, a spate of spring melancholy in me ruefully surges,
Amidst the flush of the setting sun, I hold my jaws and lean on the baluster,
Surrounded by twilight mists and vernal verdure,
Who could guess at my mind up here;
I tend to get myself drunk with abandon losing all bothers,
I chant aloud with wine in laughter,
But it’s tasteless to enjoy myself without boon partners;
Though I find my clothes grow looser and looser,
Languishing pining away for her I’ll never deplore.


Thursday 13 February 2014

湖上初雨 蘇軾

湖上初雨      蘇軾 (1037-1101)


First Rain on the West Lake      Su Shi (1037-1101)

The colours and glamour of her waters are particular on a fine day,
But the diaphanous looks of her mountains against a misty sky make her peculiarly unique in the mizzly haze,
Comparing the West Lake to the Beauty Xishi,
Whatever make-up makes her day.

Wednesday 12 February 2014

出塞 王之渙

出塞      王之渙 (688-742)

Outside the Borders          Wang Zhihuan (688-742)
Up reaching amidst the white clouds the Yellow River has flown,
On the thousand-foot mountain a solitary city wall stands on its own,
Tunes from the Qiang flute keep vainly bemoaning out there no willows are grown,
A shame here beyond the Jade Gate Pass vernal breezes could never have blown.


Tuesday 11 February 2014

赤壁 杜牧

赤壁      杜牧(803-852)


The Red Cliff                     Du Mu (803-852)

Long sunken deep into the sand, the broken iron spear has not yet rotten away,
Having it dug out and restored reveals stories of the kingdoms of the old days,
Had the east wind not gone Zhou Yu’s way,
The devastating beauty of the Qiao sisters would have been dismally locked away in the Tower of the Bronze Sparrow Cage.



Monday 10 February 2014

題屏 劉季孫

題屏      劉季孫(1033-1092)


A poem written on the screen      Liu Jisun (1033-1092)

Swallows twitter amidst the beams,
For what are they trying to start me from my leisure dreams?
Man can never make of what bird talks mean,
Awakened, with my cane and wine I go contemplating the Mount Zhi scene.