Monday 31 March 2014

登岳陽樓   杜甫

登岳陽樓   杜甫(712-770)


On Yue Yang Tower      Du Fu(712-770)

I have long heard of the Lake Dong Ting’s waters,
Today I mount the Yue Yang Tower,
To the east and south of the lake the lands of Wu and Chu are severed,
Day and night heaven and earth floats on its vivifying water glimmers,
From family and friends I have not a single letter,
Only a solitary boat to accompany this ailing gaffer,
War horses run rampant north of the frontiers,
Leaning on the balustrade I can’t hold back my running tears.

Sunday 30 March 2014

奉濟驛重送嚴公四韻 杜甫

奉濟驛重送嚴公四韻      杜甫 (712-770)


A second farewell to Duke Yan at the Fengji post station     
Du Fu (712-770)

My farewell to you has come to the end of its way,
The green hills can no longer have my emotions swayed,
When can we drink again like the old days?
With cup in hand, walk together once more like last night in the moon rays?
Adjourning provinces chant panegyrics beseeching you to stay,
Prominence in three courts and field evinced how highly you have been graced,
Now I must return alone to my river village,
And live out this decrepit desolate life in my old age.

Saturday 29 March 2014

別房太尉墓 杜甫

別房太尉墓        杜甫(712-770)


Leave-taking at the Grave of Grand Marshal Fang        
Du Fu (712-770)

Already far from home, I am once again setting off on my way,
I stop my horse to farewell a lone grave,
The earth is all wet for tears shed here in recent days,
In the sky clouds hang low in broken waves;
I once had the honour of sitting with the Grand Tutor Xie at a chess game played,
Now with sword in hand I come to seek the Master Xu,
But I only behold blossoms falling all over the place,
And an oriole singing to send me away.

Friday 28 March 2014

宿府 杜甫

宿府        杜甫 (712-770)


A Night at the Governor’s Headquarters         Du Fu (712-770)

The wutong trees beside the well in the Governor’s headquarters courtyard look chilly in the clear autumnal air,
Staying alone in the river city for the night I watch the candle burning out with wax tears,
Mournful bugles wail throughout the night with only themselves to care,
Brightly shines the lovely moon in mid-sky with none to admire,
Persistent unrests have cut off all letters,
Travelling through the destitute frontiers is greatly hampered,
For ten long years these tribulations I have endured,
Perforce, I've moved to roost on this single peaceful bough for the hour.

Thursday 27 March 2014

登樓 杜甫

登樓      杜甫(712-770)

 Mounting a Tower             Du Fu (712-770)

Flowers near the high tower rankle the heart of the visitor
Who comes up here to have a view of the scene when turmoil upheaves the whole Empire,
The Brocade River brings the whole universe before his eyes with its full vernal colours,
Cloudscape over the Marble Rampart Mountain seems to display the ages in their ever-changing figures,
The destiny of the Imperial Court in the North ultimately remains unaltered,
The buccaneers from the West Mountain must stop intruding our frontiers,
Even the effete Second Ruler has his own shrine of honour,
I could only inanely sing a song of Liangfu in the vesper.

Wednesday 26 March 2014

月夜憶舍弟 杜甫

月夜憶舍弟      杜甫(712-770)

Missing my brothers on a moonlit night       Du Fu (712-770)

The picket war-drums scare away travelers,
The cry of a solitary wild goose proclaims the arrival of autumn to the frontiers,
From tonight onwards white dew will take over as the seasonal marker,
It is the same moon that shines on my homeland, but there it did look brighter,
To different places my brothers are all scattered,
I have no home to tell me if still alive they are,
They seem never to have received my letters,
It will be even worse now that under a war we still have to labour.


Tuesday 25 March 2014

旅夜書懷 杜甫

旅夜書懷        杜甫 (712-770)


Feelings While Travelling At Night           Du Fu(712-770)

The young grass by the river bank sways as a mild breeze sweeps over,
In solitude of the night my lone boat’s mast stands taunt and clear,
Over the vast level plain stars glimmer,
In the raving waters of the Great River the moon wavers;
Literary achievement begrudges me fame and honour,
Decrepit and ailing, I am a renounced courtier,
A forlorn outcast, to what can I be compared?
Between heaven and earth a seagull that soars.

Monday 24 March 2014

詠懷古跡 (五) 杜甫

詠懷古跡 ()      杜甫(712-770)


Thoughts on an Ancient Site (5)       Du Fu (712-770)
Zhuge Liang’s great name resounds in the universe through all eternity,
The portrait of this great statesman keeps people in awe of his majestic sublimity,
The eventual tripartite division of the empire thwarted his grand strategy,
Yet he soars like a single feather high amidst the clouds through the ages,
Yi Yin and Lu Shang could only be counted as his peers,
Xiao He and Cao Shen were nothing compared to his military expertise,
But the house of Han had lost the favour of Providence,
Yet for committed pledges, he resolutely let himself be perished amid his strenuous military endeavors.

Sunday 23 March 2014

詠懷古跡 (三) 杜甫

詠懷古跡 ()      杜甫 (712-770)

群山萬壑赴荊門 ,生長明妃尚有村 。
一去紫臺連朔漠 ,獨留青塚向黃昏 。
?環珮空歸月夜魂 。
千載琵琶作胡語 ,分明怨恨曲中論 。

Thoughts on an Ancient Site (3)         Du Fu(712-770)
I’ve come to the gate of Jing across numerous mountains and vales,
Here one can still find the village where Ming Fei was born and raised,
Once she left the crimson palace boundless desert was what she only faced,
Now just her green grave idles solitarily amidst the evening haze;
Portraits spitefully distorted her lovely vernal breeze-like face and plunged her into her sorrowful fate,
On moonlit nights her void soul returns amidst the tinkling of girdle-jades,
For a thousand years the pi-pa has spoken in the tongue of the barbarian race,
Obviously deploring in the music for what she forever wails.

Saturday 22 March 2014

過零丁洋 文天祥

過零丁洋      文天祥 (1236-1283)  


 Crossing the Desperate Straits      Wen Tianxiang (1236-1283)

My strenuous life began as my knowledge of the classics in the imperial examinations was incompared,
For four years I’ve thrown in all I have for His Majesty’s rescue, but got only very few followers,
Our motherland now torn into pieces like catkin caught in the wind and flitters,
Drifting duckweed shuttering in bitter rain my fare,
I deplore being caught in the jitters on the Beach of Jitters,
And stranded in desperate straits the Desperate Straits over,
From of old who can live forever?
To uphold my loyal soul to shine through history I swear.

Friday 21 March 2014

虞美人 蔣捷

虞美人    聽雨     蔣捷()


Yu Mei Ren   Listening to the rain     Jiang Jie (Song Poet)

As a youngster I listened to the rain in song parlours,
Captivated beside crimson candles and layers of upholsters;
As a grown up man I listened to the rain as a wayfarer,
In a boat with dark clouds overhanging on a broad river,
While the west wind brought with it the mournful cries of a wild goose loner;
Now I listen to the rain the eaves of a monkery under,
My temple hair already hoarily simmers,
Ineluctably bruising are all joys and sorrows, reunions and sunders,
I just let the rain drip throughout the night on the steps of my door.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

春望 杜甫

春望      杜甫(712-770

Spring Prospects            Du Fu (712-770)

The State may fall but mountains and rivers remain safely installed,
Spring brings flush grasses and trees inside the city wall,
For the turbulent times even flowers let their tears fall,
And birds seem to be startled by sundering sores,
For three months beacon fires have been burning for the war,
A letter from home is worth my fortune all,
My hoar hair gets thinner everyday from my anxious claws,
So thin I can hardly use a hairpin anymore.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

滿庭芳 秦觀

滿庭芳     秦觀(1049-1100)

此去何時見也? 襟袖上,空惹啼痕。

Man Ting Fang       Qin Guan (1049-1100)

Across the mountain a wisp of cloud brushes,
The sky, so low, comes down to join the boundless spread of dead grasses,
Intermittently from sentry towers come painted bugle blasts,
For the moment my boat stalls,
This bitter cup of sunder we toss,
Let the enchanting story of Penglai vanish like mists,
Leaving us just sad reminiscences;
Beyond the setting sun fly thousands of winter crows,
Around a lone village a stream flows;
How ravishing! There my captivated soul goes!
Gently she unties the sash of her sachet and gives it to me as a token,
All these years I flung around in the brothels,
A philanderer, the epithet I stole,
Here we part, will we ever again fall across?
Tears vainly fall on our sleeves and clothes,
Seeing the high city wall vanish from my sight is what pains me most,
Midst the twilight only lamplights see me off with a bruised soul.






Monday 17 March 2014

清明 杜牧

清明      杜牧(803-852)

Ching Ming             Du Mu(803-852)
Ching Ming is a season that it keeps drizzling throughout the day,
Bruised travelers seem to lose their souls on the way,
I’d like to find a wine shop for a resting place,
A cowherd points to a village midst the apricot trees far off the way.

Sunday 16 March 2014

破陣子 辛棄疾

破陣子 為陳同甫賦壯詞以寄之     辛棄疾(1140-1207)


Po Zhen Zi  Boosting Chen Tongfu with this valorous poem       
Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

Sloshed, I contemplate my sword under the lamp,
Awakened, bugles still ring through the camps,
Recalling a scene of soldiers drinking and savoring roast cows in their widespread tents,
With military music played out by various instruments they are entranced;
In the autumnal cool a grand parade advances,
Warriors on coursers fleet by, with bows fully drawn, hotly after their enemies’ end,
On the twangs of the bows into dismay the enemies sank,
I vow to restore His Majesty to sovereignty with my morale greatly enhanced,
Earning myself renown and success that never end,
Deplorably old I’ll be before any achievement attained.