Saturday 31 January 2015

花非花 白居易

花非花     白居易 (772-846)

花非花 霧。 夜半來天明去。
來如春夢幾多時? 去似朝雲無覓處。

Flowers An’t Flowers?       Bai Juyi (772-846)

As enchanting as flowers,
But that is not what they are,
Nor they the divine Lady Star from the ether,
Just because they show up only deep in the vesper,
At daybreak they all disappear,
As ethereal as dream rendezvous they pass over,
And untraceable as dispersed morning nebula.



Thursday 29 January 2015

題西林壁 蘇軾

題西林壁         蘇軾 (1037-1101)


A Poem Written on the Wall of the Xilin Temple        
Su Shi (1037-1101)

A sprawling mountain range or just a singular peak rising from the ground level?
It depends on whence you espy and from what angle,
The real look of Lu Shan you may never know,
Since all along within the mountain you lull.


Tuesday 27 January 2015

長寧公主東莊侍宴 李嶠

長寧公主東莊侍宴       李嶠(644-713)


Attending on Princess Changning at a Feast in
Her East Villa                                Li Qiao (644-713)

Adjacent to the east suburbs of the Capital lies the Princess’s villa,
His Majesty’s carriage descends from amidst the purple ether,
Attending along the long long feast table are the prominent courtiers,
Like heavenly phoenixes singing the imperial music blares,
From Mt. Zhongnan comes the foliage adjacent to the villa,
To the north aits the brumes from here spreading thither over,
In His Majesty’s grace already drunk are the attending courtiers,
But His Majesty and the Queen are still savouring the sceneries and yet to retire.




Sunday 25 January 2015

蓬萊三殿侍宴奉敕詠終南山 杜審言

蓬萊三殿侍宴奉敕詠終南山     杜審言(645-708)


Writing a Poem on Mt. Zhongnan on Imperial Instruction While Attending on the Emperor in a Feast in the Three Palaces of Penglai                                    Du Shenyan (645-708)

The Polar Star hangs high by the side of the Capital,
Right in front of the Palace Mt. Zhongnan straddles,
Amidst clouds and mizzles the golden palace rambles,
From tree tops the grand palace hall dangles,
Around the waist of the mountain propitious fumes prevail,
Over the peak auspicious diaphanous brumes always shroud,
This humble official would hail,
May His Majesty live as long as Mt. Zhongnan to the eternal.




Friday 23 January 2015

題松汀驛 張祐

題松汀驛        張祐(792-852)


The Song Ting Stage Station      Zhang You (792-852)

The mountain merges into the same hue with the boundless ether,
Hazily and brumously it lies to the east of the aquatic frontiers, 
Over the bright sea waters one can first see the clear sun afore,
Over the hyaline river waters one can hear the raving wind from afar,
Through a small trail the plateau can be crossed over,
By a small path one can avoid the densely populated areas,
What a shame the recluse friend I’ve been after,
He is no longer living there.


Wednesday 21 January 2015

上元應制 蔡襄

上元應制       蔡襄 (1012-1067)


A Poem on the Lantern Festival on the Fifteenth of the First Month on the Emperor’s Order                   Cai Xiang (1012-1067)

Overlooking the myriad lanterns are thousands and thousands of pinnacles,
The regal carriage has arrived at the south gate of the Capital,
His Majesty’s patronage is not for celebrating the Lantern Festival,
Here He comes solely to share the festivity with His people,
For the same noble reason the bright moon in heaven stalls,
With amicability and felicity on earth even vernal splendors stay on hold,
People celebrating the festival with the Emperor’s blessedness and longevity to hail,
For these forty more years of benevolence on them He has bestowed.




Monday 19 January 2015

上元應制 王淇

上元應制        王淇()


A Poem on the Lantern Festival on the Fifteenth of the First Month on the Emperor’s Order                    Wang Qi (Song Poet)

The bright moon is splandant on the heavenly terrace as the snow melts away,
Amidst myriad lanterns to the fore of the towers the Emperor’s fans wave,
From the clouds phoenixes escort the Emperor’s carriage down its way,
Six giant fish arrive bearing mountains of lanterns for His Majesty’s parade,
A banquet as gorgeous and convivial as that the Emperor of Zhou gave,
Talent and flair of those who escorted Emperor Wu of Han on the same occasion lagged far behind back in the old days,
People chanting panegyrics with His Majesty to hail,
To that the Emperor drinks gleefully from his goblet of Regal Purple Haze.




Saturday 17 January 2015

寒食 趙元鎮

寒食     趙元鎮()


The Cold Meals Festival        Zhao Yuanzhen (Song Poet)

Even in desolate villages on their wicker doors,
To mark the arrival of festivals people put up willow wickers,
The Cold Meals Festival customs are not observed in the southmost province within the empire,
But like the Pangs of Han, the whole family still go visit the graves of their ancestors,
Even in the Imperial Tombs of the Han and Tang emperors, malt rice is no more offered de rigueur,
Only the vales and the wild trails are teeming with pale white pear flowers,
I’d rather get drunk and lie on the green moss bolster,
Leaving behind the distant evening tartar pipes and bugles from the city wall out of my cares.

Thursday 15 January 2015

答丁元珍 歐陽修

答丁元珍          歐陽修  (1007-1072)


Answering Ding Yuanzhen         Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072)

Beyond end of world one finds no vernal zephyr,
In the second month the mountain city as yet boasts no flowers,
Under melting snow tangerines still prosper,
Bamboo shoots begin to burst out being awakened by chilly thunders,
I am plunged into gnawing nostalgia by midnight wild geese whimpers,
Changing seasonal sceneries shove my ailing persona into the new year,
We have both been prominent Luoyang flowers,
For being just passing wild flowers now we should harbor no rancor.







Tuesday 13 January 2015

侍宴 沈佺期

侍宴     沈佺期  (?-729)


Attending on the Emperor in the Regal Banquet    
Shen Quanqi (?-729)

Her Royal Highness the Princess has a habit of worshipping the supernals,
By the Galaxy she has her new villa installed,
There the mountain struts out like the Shanxi Singing Phoenix Pinnacle,
The Drinking Dragon River can hardly be compared to the glamorous waters of its magnificent pool,
The green portieres of her boudoir manage to maintain all splendours vernal,
The golden tinsels of her Dancing Chamber keep hold of the sun’s glow,
His Majesty’s carriage arrives amidst his retinue file,
With the music everybody drink heartily with His Majesty’s blessedness to hail.





Sunday 11 January 2015

和賈舍人早朝 王維

和賈舍人早朝             王維  (701-761)

絳幘雞人報曉籌,  尚衣方進翠雲裘。 
九天閶闔開宮殿,  萬國衣冠拜冕旒。 
日色纔臨仙掌動,  香煙欲傍袞龍浮。 
朝罷須裁五色詔,  佩聲歸到鳳池頭。

Echoing Chancellery Secretary Jia Zhi’s Poem on Morning Levee                                            Wang Wei (701-761)

Dawn is ushered in by red scarf muffled callers and night watch beaters,
Robe featuring emerald cloud patterns are readied by regal array officers,
The myriad gates in the nine fold palaces are open all together,
Officials from all quarters of the Empire salute the Emperor,
As sunlight befalls imperial fans waver,
Whirling round the Emperor’s dragon robe regal incense hovers,
As the levee closes five coloured jute paper has to be prepared for the Chancellery ministers,
Whence the dingles of their donned swords fade out with the recoil of the chancellors.



Friday 9 January 2015

和賈舍人早朝 岑參

和賈舍人早朝          岑參 (715-770)

雞鳴紫陌曙光寒, 鶯囀皇州春色闌。 
金闕曉鐘開萬戶, 玉階仙仗擁千官。
花迎劍佩星初落, 柳拂旌旗露未乾。 
獨有鳳凰池上客, 陽春一曲和皆難。 

Echoing Chancellery Secretary Jia Zhi’s Poem on Morning Levee 
Cen Shen (715-770)

Amidst cock crows dawn befalls on the grand passage Royal Purple with chills,
Trailing oriole twitters vernal glamour is fading away in the Capital,
The myriad palaces gates open on morning bell tolls,
In front of the jade steps the imperial ceremony parade presents the thousand levee officials,
Scents of flowers around the officials’ donned swords whirl as morning stars start to fall,
Dews on the floor are yet to dry while regal banners flutter with weeping willows,
Poems concocted by the selected officials serving in the Chancellery teem with verve sublime and suave,
Like most adored musical tunes from of old they are literally unmatchable.





Wednesday 7 January 2015

和賈舍人早朝 杜甫

和賈舍人早朝         杜甫  (712-770)


Echoing Chancellery Secretary Jia Zhi’s Poem on Morning Levee                                                    Du Fu (712-770)

As the clepsydra ticks out the watch final,
Dawn whizzes in like a flying arrow,
The Emperor’s countenance emerges from the nine fold palace as gracefully as an intoxicating heavenly vernal peach blow,
Imperial banners like dragons and serpents flutter under the bright sun’s glow,
Palatial birds soar high amidst the zephyr whiffles,
Everybody leave the levee with regal incense smell all over their clothes,
Having presented poems teeming with gems of pearls and jades under their great literary flair of elan vital,
Who could succeed generations to generations to serve in the Imperial Edict’s Court on call,
This rarity is evinced by the only phoenix feather now prevailing over Phoenix Pool.




Monday 5 January 2015

早朝大明宮 賈至

早朝大明宮           賈至 (718-770)


Morning Levee in the Grand Brightness Palace     
Jia Zhi (718-770)

Bearing the silver moonlight I come to the levee through the long grand passage Royal Purple,
Dawn tints the Forbidden City with a layer of dark vernal emerald,
Over the Green Florid Palace flutter myriad weeping willows,
Around the Jianzhang Palace twitter hundreds of orioles,
Over the jade steps come sword and jade dingles,
Everybody is redolent of regal incense hail
Basking in His Majesty’s grace in the Phoenix Pool,
With brush in hand ready to serve on His Majesty’s call.