Thursday 31 July 2014

八聲甘州 柳永

八聲甘州           柳永 ()  



Ba Sheng Gan Zhou         Liu Yong (Song Poet)

On the river gusty rains flush in the vesper,
A world of autumnal cool emerges hither and thither,
Frosty winds rave more scathingly with everything quivers,
Desolation reigns over mountains and rivers,
The setting sun flushes over the high tower,
Wilting away are the verdancy of the grasses and the glamour of the flowers,
Fading away is a world of splendour’
Leaving only the Great River incessantly and speechlessly to the east roars,

Daring not to espy afar from a high tower,
My homeland seems beyond touch thither,
Most tormenting will be my sorrows of nostalgia,
For what do I have to forlornly drift everywhere all these years,
The one I love keeps gazing afar in her high chamber,
How many times has she mistaken the dots of sails in the horizon vista
To be the boat I ride in to come home hither,
How would she know, leaning on the balustrade, I am frozen with her in my sorrows of sunder.


Tuesday 29 July 2014

江南春 杜牧

江南春         杜牧 (803-852)


Spring South of the River      Du Mu (803-852)

Along these ten miles of reds setting off by greens orioles twitter,
Amid villages by the water and city walls against the hills inn signs flutter,
The four hundred and eighty temples built by the South Dynasty Emperor,
Still stand salient amidst the mizzles and vapours.


Sunday 27 July 2014

曲江對酒(其二 ) 杜甫

曲江對酒(其二)    杜甫  (712-770)


Drinking to the Vista of Qujiang (Poem No.2)    Du Fu (712-770)

In the morning I have my spring clothes pawned after an audience with the Emperor,
With the money I’ll drink to my fill by the river,
Wine debts are nothing unusual and peculiar,
From of old people living up to seventy years are really rare,
Butterflies shuttling amidst the flowers have me deeply deeply allured,
Dragonflies daintily daintily on the waters cutting capers,
Such enthralling scenic delights should be widely shared,
So it's everybody's carpe diem to join me to savour.



Friday 25 July 2014

鞦韆 洪覺範

鞦韆       洪覺範 () 


The Swing        Hong Juefan (Song Poet)

Slightly slanting is the paddle hanging from the green silk ropes of the decorated swing grille,
Enjoying themselves on the swing in front of the small chamber are some lovely jills,
Their long sanguine dresses on the ground swill,
Offering their beauties up to the heavens as they enjoy the fun with thrills,
The painted paddle is a bit slippery with the red apricot blossom mizzle spilled,
The green ropes amidst green willows and mists hang askew,
Dismounting from the swing after playing their fill,
In the open areas they stand elegantly at ease in still,
I suspect they are fays from the moon demoted to the earth against their will.






Wednesday 23 July 2014

秋夜寄丘員外 韋應物

秋夜寄丘員外      韋應物 (737-792)

懷君屬秋夜, 散步詠涼天。
山空松子落, 幽人應未眠。      

A Poem to Councillor Qiu in an Autumn Night     
Wei Yingwu (737-792)

This autumn night, with you on my mind I desiderate,
I intone poems while sauntering in the courtyard with all the crisp coolness of the season to savour,
In the desolate hills, fallen pine cones are all over the place,
A refined recluse like you, I presume you are still staying up late.


Monday 21 July 2014

曲江對酒(其一) 杜甫

曲江對酒(其一)    杜甫  (712-770)


Drinking to the Vista of Qujiang (Poem No.1)    Du Fu (712-770)

Amidst flying flower petals spring fades,
How bruising is the myriad petals flittering with the gale,
All I can see are flowers coming to the end of their days,
Mind not the wine that will sap your fettle with it you getting gay,
Behold the small hall on the river that nestled the delicate kingfishers with good grace,
And the majestic stone kirins crouching on the garden along the tall graves,
On careful musing, to pursue gaieties with the times is only man’s spontaneous way,
Earthly fame and acclaim are only vanity that spoils one’s day.





Saturday 19 July 2014

秋日 耿湋


返照入閭巷, 憂來誰共語。

古道少人行, 秋風動禾黍。   

An Autumn Day         Geng Wei (Tang Poet)

The setting sun flushes through the village gate onto the alley,
Who can I talk to placate my melancholy,
Passengers are scarce on the ancient trail,
Crops in the fields sway in the autumnal gale.



Thursday 17 July 2014

醉垂鞭 張先

醉垂鞭        張先 (990-1078)


Zui Chui Bian        Zhang Xian (990-1078)

A pair of butterflies on her skirt embroidered,
In a garden party at the east pond she first appears,
Without heavy make-up she looks just like an ordinary insouciant spring flower,
Everybody says she is enchanting, gracile and willowy slender,
Taking a careful look, I find her charms come from nowhere but everywhere,
Maybe from the misty clouds enshrouding the multidinous mountains last night she emerges.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

次北固山下 王灣

次北固山下    王灣 (693-751)


Mooring Beneath Mt Beigu       Wang Wan (693-751)

Beyond the green mountain runs the passage trail,
In the azure waters boats sail,
When the tide floods the river is broad and amply unfurls,
On the fair wind the boat fleets with upreared sail,
As the night dwindles the sun beams over the horizon bringing dawn’s call,
With the old year fading away, vernal splendour along the river stealthily unveils,
When will letters from home reach my abode?
The wayfaring wild geese bringing my message home to Luoyang I‘d avail.

Sunday 13 July 2014

沁園春 辛棄疾

沁園春 靈山齊庵賦,時築偃湖未成     (1140-1207)



Qin Yuan Chun            Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

Written in my Integral Bower on Ling Shan (Deific Mountain) while the construction of the Embankment Lake is yet to complete.

To the west galloping peak ranges whicker,
Presently wheeling back the ten thousand spanking horses,
To the east the mountains hanker,
Appallingly, rapids plunkingly pour,
With water splashing all over,
A small bridge flies like a sickle moon fair,
This renounced gaffer,
On Providence order,
Ten thousand tall pine trees to administer,
Small is my bower,
Far from where shadows of dragons and serpents cast over,
Amidst wind and rain roars,
As mists disperse, mountains eventually emerge at daybreak to greet me with refreshed elan and flair,
As elegant as the scions of the Xies of Jin to compare,
And as majestic as Sima Shuangru’s entourage,
Virile, robust, sublime and gracious as the great historian Sima Qian‘s works’ verve,
When will the Embankment Lake with mists enshrouded splendour be ready to savour?



Friday 11 July 2014

琵琶行(四之四)  白居易

琵琶行(四之四)    白居易(772-846)

Ballad of the Pipa (pt 4 of 4)          Bai Juyi (772-846)
When I first heard the pipa I’d already sighed with sorrow,
On hearing all these I doubly aggrieved in echo,
We are both wretched people struggling at end of the world,
What matters if each other we already know,
Since last year I left the Capital,
Demoted and ailing in the City of Xunyang I dwell,
This place is far flung and remote,
No music here is available,
A year goes by without any music palatable,
Drenched and low, there are only reeds and bamboos around my household,
All I hear is the whimpers of cuckoos and ape wails,
In flowering spring and the autumnal full moon I avail,
The time to bring a bottle and drink alone out in the cold,
The folk songs and native flutes are all unpalatable,
To me they are just baby snarls,
Tonight your pipa has me greatly enthralled,
It is simply celestial,
Please sit and play us one more song before you go,
I’ll write you a Pipa Ballad on this scenario,
On this she stood quite a while,
Again she straddled,
Tightly she turned her pegs and ready to buckle,
Rapidly she stroke the strings as in an allegro,
Sobbing grievously in a completely different tempo,
Everybody present wept with their face hand shielded,
Who do you think wept the most,
This official of Jiangzhou had his blue gown soaked with tears thorough.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

琵琶行(四之三)  白居易

琵琶行(四之三)    白居易(772-846)


Ballad of the Pipa (pt 3 of 4)          Bai Juyi (772-846)

She put the pick back behind the strings after brooding for a while,
Tending her dress, she stood up in a solemn style,
She said she came from the Capital,
In the famous Xia Ma Ling she first dwelled,
She mastered the pipa when she was only thirteen years old,
Belonged to the First Class of the Music Academy Imperial,
Whenever she finished playing a melody, she won even the masters’ approval,
After dressing up she was the envy of all pretty girls,
Rich suitors of the Capital all vied in praising her with money in piles,
Every song played brought in silk and brocade in countless rolls,
She even broke her precious hair jewellery while in a singing and dancing spree with abandon she revelled,
Her red skirt was thoroughly wine soiled,
A life of gaiety and luxury to her was only normal and usual,
Until her brother into the army was haled
And her aunt left this world,
Days passed with her beauty fading pale,
The number of her patrons dwindled,
She had no choice but to marry down to a merchant as a couple,
But profits are what all merchants look for after all,
Last month her husband has gone to Fuliang for tea procural,
Leaving her alone in this empty boat to idle,
With her was only the desolate moon and the river chills,
Deep in the night as she awoke from dreams of her days of old,
Running tears soured her face to a messy pale;
 (To be continued)