Saturday 27 February 2016

沁園春 辛棄疾

沁園春 將止酒、戒酒杯使勿近     辛棄疾(1140-1207)




Qin Yuan Chun            Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
Abstaining from wine I warn my wine cup to stay away from me

Cup, you come forward, that’s my order,
Having had my body checked today this gaffer,
Been thirsty for drinking all these years,
My throat is as dry as a seared boiler,
Sleeping is what I now most hanker,
And snoring like thunders,
You rebut: from of old great drinkers
Should have been as sanguine as Liu Ling,
They hold “ Never mind. If I’ve got drunk and kick the bucket,
Don’t panic. Just have me sepulchered,”
You are damned right, my bosom dear,
But how relentless you are.

With music and dance you always come near,
Literally killing me with the poisoned liquor,
But obsessive love breeds rancor.
Excessively obsessed with anything will turn into a disaster,
No matter how good they are,
Now I make a deal with you here,
Go and never come near,
I still have the power to have you pilloried and slaughtered,
The cup saluted me over and over,
Promising “come and go all at your beck and call, Sire.”



Thursday 25 February 2016

尋陸鴻漸不遇 僧皎然

尋陸鴻漸不遇      僧皎然 (730-799)

Calling On Lu Hongjian In Vain     
Monk Jiao Ran (730-799)

Near to the city wall you have moved your household.
Cutting into mulberries and flaxes heads the wild trail,
Within your fences chrysanthemums you grow,
Autumn falls but they are yet to blow,
I knock at your door but not even a dog barks to answer my call,
I ask your west neighbouring household,
Into the mountains they say you go,
When you come back dusk is already to fall.



Tuesday 23 February 2016

送李端 盧綸

送李端    (748-800)

Bidding Li Duan Farewell           Lu Lun (748-800)

Grasses in my homeland have shriveled,
This parting brings me great sorrow,
The road on which I bid you farewell spreads beyond the chilly clouds,
I’d return amidst the evening snows,
Forlornly on the tramp as I was bereaved of my father since early juvenile,
Plagued by misfortunes we came across each other really slow,
Now we are going to part I cover my face to let my tears pour,
In these tumultuous times will we ever see each other again at all?


Sunday 21 February 2016

喜見外弟又言別 李益

喜見外弟又言別    李益 (748-827)

Running Across My Cousin In Delight But
Seeing Him Off Again                Li Yi (748-827)

After ten years of sunder in times of turmoil,
This is the first time since we’ve grown up across we fall,
Asking your name I’m quailed,
With your name eventually your old look I recall,
These years everything in the world has shuffled,
After cozing with you the evening bells are ready to toll,
Tomorrow to Baling you’ll hit the road,
Hereafter by how many autumnal mountains will we be cut off?


Friday 19 February 2016

雲陽館與韓紳宿別 司空曙

雲陽館與韓紳宿別    司空曙 (720-790)

Coming Across Han Shen While Putting Up at the
Yunyang Guest House and Bid Him Farewell the
Next Day                             Sikong Shu (720-790)

Since beyond the rivers and oceans I parted with my old pal.
Rivers and mountains have us many times far far apart pulled,
Presently coming across you I suspect it is only a dream cameo,
Enquiring each other’s age we are saddened by sorrows,
The solitary lamp lights up the chilly drizzles,
Gloomy mists shroud the deep dark bamboos,
Tomorrow we will be plagued by sundering dismals,
With this wine of farewell we must hit the booze.


Wednesday 17 February 2016

北青蘿 李商隱

北青蘿   李商隱 (813-858)

The North Mt Qing Luo Temple      Li Shangyin (813-858)

To the west behind the mountains the sun goes,
At the solitary monk’s bower I call,
Seeing not the man but just find leaves fall,
Through how many layers of chilly clouds have I scrambled,
Solitarily he beats the stone chime as night falls,
On a rattan he leisurely lolls,
In this a minute dust particle of a world,
Love and hatred are nothing but only vile.




Monday 15 February 2016

旅宿 杜牧

旅宿    杜牧 (803-852)

Putting Up at a Hostel in My Sojourn       
Du Mu (803-852)

Without a companion I put up in a hostel,
Brooding over my life amidst dismals,
Under the chilly lamp things past I recall,
Sleeping in glum I am unsettled by the lone wild goose’s warble,
Returning from my long dream trip back to my homeland as twilight befalls,
Letters from home take more than a year to reach me in my hostel,
Mists and moonlight over the roving river are relishable,
What’s more delightful is a fishing boat is tied at my threshold.

Saturday 13 February 2016

夜宿山寺 李白

夜宿山寺       李白 (701- 762)

Putting Up at the Mountain Temple For the Night       
Li Bai (701- 762)

A Hundred feet tall is the high chamber,
Up there one could almost pick the stars,
But you must speak quietly or just whisper,
Lest you should disturb the gods up there.


Thursday 11 February 2016

涼思 李商隱

涼思        李商隱 (813-858)

Muse Amidst the Cool        Li Shangyin (813-858)

After my guest left pond water flush with the balustrade swell,
Cicadas gone leaving dews from the tree branches dangle,
This is the moment I always dearly hold,
By the casement I idly loll,
Far remote are spring and the Star of the North Pole,
My friend in Nanling takes too long on his well being to have me posted,
At end of world only by divining my dreams could I have his situation foretold,
I suspect he has already made a new confidant pal.



Tuesday 9 February 2016

望薊門 祖詠 (唐)

望薊門     祖詠 ()

Brooding Over Jimen Gate Pass        
Zu Yong (Tang poet)

Arriving at the Yan Terrace I am appalled,
Pipes and drums in the Han Camps clamorously bellow,
Ten thousand miles of long frozen snow emits gelid glow,
Amidst the twilight banners over the three vicinal city walls flutter and unfurl,
Beacon fires flare under the moon over the barbarian purlieu,
Clouds shrouding mountains and oceans on three sides have the Jimen City Wall encircled,
I’ve never been a man as valorous as Ban Chao the great Han general,
But I still strive to have the borders quelled.

Sunday 7 February 2016

除夜有懷 崔塗

除夜有懷    崔塗()

Brooding On New Year’s Eve       Cui Tu (Tang poet)

It’s a long long way to the three Ba regions purlieu,
Traveling thousands of miles at all hazards I’ve been through,
Amid the random mountains remaining snows glitter as the night falls,
Up here I’m a solitary outlander piled,
My kinfolks become more and more remote and unapproachable,
But my male servants become more faithful and close,
A drifting forlorn tramp on I struggle,
Hopefully tomorrow’s new year will bring me a new episode.


Friday 5 February 2016

行經華陰 崔顥

行經華陰     崔顥 (704-754)

Passing Hua Yin         Cui Hao (704-754)

The forbiddingly high Mt. Tai Hua overlooks the Hanyang Palace,
Beyond manual craftsmanship are its three precipitous heaven reaching pinnacles,
Clouds over Emperor Wu Temple dissolve,
Rain over the Cactus Peak just lulls,
The Yellow River and the Mt. Hua to its north over the Hangu Gate Pass strategically straddle,
Its thoroughfare to the west links Emperor Wu of Han’s heaven and earth temples,
I wish to ask the wealth and fame seekers by the road,
How about staying over here to cultivate the life of the supernal.


Wednesday 3 February 2016

孤雁 崔塗

孤雁     崔塗()

A Solitary Wild Goose      Cui Tu (Tang poet)

To the borders flew all wild geese files,
Where are you heading by your own self,
Amidst the night rain you’ve lost all your affinals,
You could have lighted on the chilly pond but balked,
Across the clouds over the ait you stealthily sail,
Wherever you go the chilly moon over the border gate follows,
With luck you may not come across the bird hunter’s bow and arrow,
But flying alone you must be highly agile.

Monday 1 February 2016

楚江懷古 馬戴

楚江懷古        馬戴 (775-869)

Reminiscence Over the River Chu       
Ma Dai (775-869)

Dewy vapours and chilly light shroud in holds,
Over the mountains of Chu dim sunlight veils,
Amidst the trees of Lake Dong Ting apes wail,
Riding my nostalgia orchid boat,
Bright moonlight over the vast lake grows,
Amid the green hills raving torrents roll,
The god of the clouds is nowhere to behold,
Through the night I am plagued by autumnal dismals.