Saturday 26 November 2016

木蘭花慢 辛棄疾

木蘭花慢   滁州送      辛棄疾 (1140-1207)
目斷秋霄落雁,醉來時響空弦。 [1]
Mu Lan Hua Man A Farewell to Fan Ang the Assistant County Magistraate
Xin Qiji (1140-1207)
My passions for life have literally worn out as time fleets and the older I grow,
Over farewell banquets and fleeting years I am dumped in angst and dismals,
Coming round the corner is the Mid Autumn Festival,
But not for people usually coming together the moon puts on its full round smiles,
Neither do the insentient running waters with the west winds upon they call,
To send off returning boats,
On the river as late autumnal nights veil,
Just revel the wild rice and perch stew to the full,
And enjoy getting together with your children under the lamp as night falls,
In your travelling clothes you’d better pay homage to His Supreme Lord Imperial,
After the meritorious courtiers the court now pursues,
At midnight in the Palace Coze Hall,
You must be drafting the Emperor’s edicts and planning to reinforce the borders’ defense stronghold,
Asking after me if my Chang’an old fellows,
Just say I still indulge in wine to have my sorrows quelled,
Witnessing a solitary wild goose fall from the autumnal sky I am startled,
Amidst my drunkenness I seem to hear empty bow twangles.

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