Monday 21 December 2015

水龍吟 蘇軾

水龍吟 次韻章質夫楊花詞     蘇軾 (1037-1101)

Shui Long Yin              Su shi (1037-1101)
Echoing Zhang Zhifu’s poem on the willow down

Looking like flowers but that is not what she is usually considered,
Flittering in the wind with nobody to care,
Desolately strewn by paths after shedding from her parent wickers,
Apathetic looking, actually deeply aggrieved by sorrows of sunder,
Her tormented zephyry eyes close for long solicitous wears and tears,
In her dreams her soul has travelled thousand miles to follow her lover,
But her fond dreams are relentlessly awakened by oriole twitters,
We don’t take to heart fallen willow down from her wickers,
We just take to heart fallen blossoms of the west garden that can never be on the spays restored,
After rain in the early hours,
What spring has left can be seen clear,
But where has the fallen willow down repaired?
Strewn on the pond are only duckweed tatters,
Spring has just left over,
Three parts of vernal splendour,
Two parts of dust,
One part of running water,
The fallen willow down is just drizzles of sundering tears.



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