Tuesday 22 October 2013

釵頭鳳 陸游

釵頭鳳          陸游 (1125 - 1210)


Chai Tou Feng                     Lu You (1125 - 1210)

Your pink, delicate hands tender me the wine;
The city is full of vernal freshness with weeping willows tracing the city wall line,
How fierce is the east wind, snapping our blissful whiles;
Disconsolation in our bosoms rides,
These years of separation have virtually ripped off our lives,
Ay! Ay! Ay!
Now spring again arrives,
Only to find us pined,
Your silk handkerchief is soaked with tears from your eyes,
Peach blossoms fall on the pond and pavilion that are left aside,
Our vows still alive,
But we can’t even drop each other a line,
Why? Why? Why?



釵頭鳳    唐婉 


Chai Tou Feng                                                 
    (In response to the one written by Lu You)                    
Tang Wan
    (Lu’s ex-wife whom he cast off on order of his mother)

How acrid is the world
Apathetic the people,
When rains see dusk off flowers fall,
The breeze at dawn dries my tears, leaving no traces at all;
I wish I could write you my feelings,
Leaning alone on the railing,
Vexed! Vexed! Vexed!
Now we are axed,
No longer linked,
My ailing soul always seems hanging on a swing,
The sound of the bugle in the depth of the night is most unsettling,
Fearing people may ask me what and why,
I swallow my tears, and feint a smile,
Hide! Hide! Hide!


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