Saturday 9 May 2015

與高適薛據登慈恩寺浮圖 岑參

與高適薛據登慈恩寺浮圖      岑參(715-770)
Mounting the Pagoda of Buddhistic Benevolence Temple
with Gao Shi and Xue Ju
Cen Shen (715-770)
As towering as a sparging fountain the Pagoda elevates,
High into the Heavens solitarily it jets its way,
On it out of this world one seems to stray,
Its steps wind into the void Space,
To its precipitiousness the whole of our motherland prostrates,
Its overwhelming height is the craftsmanship of the wraiths,
Eaves on its four corners keep out the sunrays,
On top of its seventh floor the welkin one can caress,
Looking down one can point to the birds soaring high and gay,
One can also listen to the wind rave,
Mountains undulating as billows wave,
To the east they all rove and rage,
Pagoda trees flank the boulevards all the way,
Exquisitely crafted are the pavilions and palaces,
From the west autumnal tints pervade,
On the environs around the Capital a gloomy dark green prevails,
On the northern plateau where the Five Imperial Tombs of Han are located,
A diaphanous viridity forever verdantly verdantly veils,
Up here the Buddhistic Tenet of cleanliness and ridding all cumbers into me more deeply and deeply penetrates,
On this my principle of life always bases,
From now on all official devoirs I’ll waive,
Up into seclusion I’ve decided to lay,
Freeing myself from all earthly cumbers from this time and day.


1 comment:

  1. I'm wondering if English is your first language. I assume it isn't.
