Saturday 30 November 2013

閨怨 王昌齡

閨怨      王昌齡 (698-756)

Boudoir sorrows           Wang Changling (698-756)
A young lady knows nothing about sorrows in her boudoir,
On a spring day dressing up elegantly she mounts a verdantly garnished tower,
Presently she beholds the flourishing willows in full vernal colours,
So deeply chagrined she is at having urged her husband to go seeking imperial honours.


Friday 29 November 2013

落花 朱淑真

落花      朱淑真()


Fallen blossoms           (Song Poet)

A twin blossom is booming on its spray,
Comes ferociously a jealous storm towards its way,
I wish the god of spring could as usual save the day,
Let not the colourful petals mess up the green moss around the place.


Thursday 28 November 2013

江雪 柳宗元

江雪       柳宗元 (773-818)    


A River in the Snow              Liu Zongyuan (773-818)
Not a single bird is to be seen in the surrounding hills,
Nor any human soul on their myriad trails comes in view,
A solitary straw-caped fisherman in his desolate skiff,
Takes pleasure in fishing alone over the freezing river in the chills.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

古柏行 杜甫

古柏行       杜甫 (712 - 770 )


Ballad of the Old Cypress               Du Fu (712 - 770 )

In front of the temple of Zhuge Liang there is an old cypress,
Its roots are like rocks and its branches bronze,
Its rimy rain-washed bark on its great girth measures forty spans,
Two thousand feet into the heaven its jet-coloured top rises,
King and statesman had long fulfilled their historical missions,
But it continues to be fondly cherished,
When the clouds come, vapours extend its spread to join the long Wu Gorge’s mists,
As the moon rises, the cypress chills merge with the Snowy Mountain’s whiteness,
I remember a year or so ago, to the east of the Brocade River pavilion where the road bypassed,
In the same shrine where the First Ruler and Zhuge Liang were vested,
On the ancient plain outside the city there were also high-rising cypresses,
The paint-work of the dark interior sulked through desolated doors and windows,
But this cypress, firmly holding the ground with coil-like grasps,
Rises solitarily into the gloomy sky withholding the fierce blasts,
Nothing could have kept it standing for so long but the power of Divine Providence,
Its uprightness must be the work of the Creative forces’ synergies,
If pillars and beams are needed should a great hall collapse,
Ten thousand oxen might turn their heads wondering what a mountain of albatross,
Without a craftsman’s garnish, it has already had the world stand aghast,
No one could ever carry it away if it were felled, yet the axe it has never refused,
From the ants its bitter heart could not have got loose,
On its scented leaves phoenixes always roost,
Man of ambition need not deplore if you are still living in obscurity,
From of old the really great have never been easy in finding their uses.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

歸嵩山作 王維

歸嵩山作      王維 (701 -761)


On my way back to Song Shan         Wang Wei (701 -761)

The clear stream carries a long stretch of shrub plantations,
I ride my carriage leisurely in great relaxation,,
The flowing waters seem to understand my aspiration,
Even the evening homing birds treat me with affection;
The ancient jetty lies adjacent to the dilapidated bastion,
The setting sun flushes over the autumn mountains,
It’s been a long way coming back to the slopes of Song Shan,
Hereafter I can live in quiet reclusion.



Monday 25 November 2013

月夜 杜甫

月夜      杜甫 (712 - 770 )

Moonlit Night          Du Fu  (712 - 770 )

Tonight in Fuzhou the moon will be waxed and bright,
My wife will be watching it on her own without delight,
My poor little ones, still child-like,
Know not to pine for their solitary fond father away in Chang’an out of sight,
My wife’s soft hair must have been moistened by the scented mists of the night,
Her ivory arms must feel the chills of the moonlight,
When can we lean on the open window together side by side,
And gaze at the moon till our tear traces disappear outright?



Sunday 24 November 2013

回鄉偶書 賀知章

回鄉偶書      賀知章 (659-744)

Back in my homeland           He Zhizhang (659-744)
Having left my homeland when I was young now I return as a gaffer,
Despite my age told by my temple hair my native accent remains as ever,
To the children I meet I am a total stranger,
They just ask nicely whence comes this outlander.



Saturday 23 November 2013

菩薩蠻 辛棄疾

菩薩蠻  書江西造口壁      辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

鬱孤台下清江水, 中間多少行人淚?

Pu Sa Man   Written on a wall at Zaokou in the province of Jiangxi     Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

The raving waters of Ganjiang beneath the Yugu Tower
Roll with loads of wayfarers’ tears,
Looking northwest to Chang’an,
I behold countless mountain ranges;
Ineluctably all these mountains can’t stop the eastbound draining of the river;
Fretted by heavy anguish beside the river in the hazy vesper,
Mournful cries of the francolins from deep in the vales reach my ears.


Friday 22 November 2013

遊子吟 孟郊

遊子吟    孟郊 (751-814)


A Wayfarer’s Song      Meng Jiao (751-814)

All the threads the loving mother engages,
Go into her wayfaring son’s new array,
Fearing that hell be too long away,
Ere he leaves she keeps sewing all the day,
How can this little piece of grass ever repay
The spring sun’s great grace?



Thursday 21 November 2013

金縷衣 杜秋娘

金縷衣      杜秋娘 ()      

The Gold-Threaded Array          Du Qiuniang (Tang Poet)

Cherish not the gold-threaded array,
Cherish only your golden young age,
Pick the flower in the prime of its day,
It’s meaningless to pick a bare spray.

Wednesday 20 November 2013

麗人行 杜甫

麗人行      杜甫 (712 - 770 )

Ballad of Lovely Women            Du Fu (712 - 770 )

On the third day of the third month, the weather is fresh, brisk and festivity laden,
By the watersides of Chang’an there are many a lovely woman,
Their looks gorgeous, captivating and elegant,
Their aloof deportment exudes real refinement,
Their complexions delicate and their figures in delicately proportional elements,
Their embroidered silk dresses glister in the late spring open,
Setting off the peacocks in gold thread and unicorns in silver thread passements,
What do they wear on their heads?
Emerald feather jewellery reaching down to the edges of their hair-fronts,
What do we see at their backs?
Skirts of pearl nets, fitting perfectly their exquisite measurements,
Among them are the relatives of the Mistress of the Cloud Curtains and the Pepper-flower Apartments,
Ladies crowned with the names of great states, Guo and Qin;
Purple camel humps emerge from green cauldrons,
Fish with glinting scale are served on crystal patens,
Chopsticks of rhino-horn, sated with abandon, remain unmoved in reluctance,
The belled knife cutting these thread-like slices has wasted its busy vain motions,
Palace eunuchs gallop up in rapid succession,
Bringing delicacies from the imperial kitchen,
The flying hooves of their horses never seem to have touched the dust for a second;
Now, amidst music mournful enough to move even deities from fifes and drums,
Surrounded by a shoal of followers and minions,
What a man of hubris this last rider who comes pacing in high arrogance,
At the balustrade surrounding the pavilion, he dismounts and sits amid the diners on the carpet with fancy patterns,
The willow-down falls like snow over the white water-weed in its settlement,
A blue bird flies off bearing a lady’s red handkerchief in its rostrum,
Unequalled by any other, he is a man who wields power that would burn your hand at any moment,
Do keep clear, least you would provoke the Chief Minister’s dudgeon.




Tuesday 19 November 2013

涼州詞 王翰

涼州詞      王翰 ()   


A Liangzhou Verse       Wang Han (Tang Poet)

The fine wine in the luminous jade goblet is simply irresistible,
Already on horseback, marching orders keep urging me to go,
I must have a quaff at it though,
Hoping it will make me bold,
If I lie drunken in the battlefield, don’t find me jestful,
How many people can return alive in wars from of old.

Monday 18 November 2013

遣懷 杜牧




Speaking my bosom            Du Mu (803-852)   

Fallen and wretched, I’ve been on the tramp with only my wine to drown my bale,
I am always attracted to petite and slim-waist belles,
Now, awakened from my ten-year Yangzhou dream, only to tell
I’ve only been dubbed “the philanderer” among the bordels.




Sunday 17 November 2013

歸園田居五首(其二) 陶淵明

歸園田居五首(其二)      陶淵明 (365-427)


Retreating to a rustic life (Poem No. 2)
Tao Yuanming (365-427)
Human businesses are rare in these far-flung villages,
So are commuting horses and carriages
In broad daylight, behind my closed wicker door,
I abstain from bothering myself with any worldly causes,
At times, I’ll visit the village marketplace,
Meet my neighbours all clad in straw capes,
We chat about nothing,
Except how our flaxes and mulberries are thriving,
As my flaxes and mulberries thrive day by day,
My fields expand in scale,
Of one thing I am most afraid,
When frost and hail come, all I grow will wilt like hay.