Saturday 16 November 2013

月下獨酌 李白

月下獨酌              李白(701 - 762)


Drinking Alone Under the Moon           Li Bai (701 - 762)

With a pot of wine I sit among the flowers,
I drink alone with no others,
So I raise my cup to invite the moon to join me over,
Hence, with my shadow, making three of us;
Regrettably, drinking is not what the moon cares,
My shadow just follows me and wantonly wanders,
For now I have to take the moon and my shadow to be my boon partners,
It’s spring, I have to make the most of good cheer;
While I sing, the moon just wantonly saunters,
While I swing, my shadow scatters,
We have some convivial time together when I am sober,
Drunken, we are all in sunder;
We vow to keep loose bonds and roam places forever,
Hoping one day in the welkin we can have this fun all over again together.

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