Saturday 23 November 2013

菩薩蠻 辛棄疾

菩薩蠻  書江西造口壁      辛棄疾 (1140-1207)

鬱孤台下清江水, 中間多少行人淚?

Pu Sa Man   Written on a wall at Zaokou in the province of Jiangxi     Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

The raving waters of Ganjiang beneath the Yugu Tower
Roll with loads of wayfarers’ tears,
Looking northwest to Chang’an,
I behold countless mountain ranges;
Ineluctably all these mountains can’t stop the eastbound draining of the river;
Fretted by heavy anguish beside the river in the hazy vesper,
Mournful cries of the francolins from deep in the vales reach my ears.


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