Wednesday 27 November 2013

古柏行 杜甫

古柏行       杜甫 (712 - 770 )


Ballad of the Old Cypress               Du Fu (712 - 770 )

In front of the temple of Zhuge Liang there is an old cypress,
Its roots are like rocks and its branches bronze,
Its rimy rain-washed bark on its great girth measures forty spans,
Two thousand feet into the heaven its jet-coloured top rises,
King and statesman had long fulfilled their historical missions,
But it continues to be fondly cherished,
When the clouds come, vapours extend its spread to join the long Wu Gorge’s mists,
As the moon rises, the cypress chills merge with the Snowy Mountain’s whiteness,
I remember a year or so ago, to the east of the Brocade River pavilion where the road bypassed,
In the same shrine where the First Ruler and Zhuge Liang were vested,
On the ancient plain outside the city there were also high-rising cypresses,
The paint-work of the dark interior sulked through desolated doors and windows,
But this cypress, firmly holding the ground with coil-like grasps,
Rises solitarily into the gloomy sky withholding the fierce blasts,
Nothing could have kept it standing for so long but the power of Divine Providence,
Its uprightness must be the work of the Creative forces’ synergies,
If pillars and beams are needed should a great hall collapse,
Ten thousand oxen might turn their heads wondering what a mountain of albatross,
Without a craftsman’s garnish, it has already had the world stand aghast,
No one could ever carry it away if it were felled, yet the axe it has never refused,
From the ants its bitter heart could not have got loose,
On its scented leaves phoenixes always roost,
Man of ambition need not deplore if you are still living in obscurity,
From of old the really great have never been easy in finding their uses.

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