Sunday 3 November 2013

贈衛八處士 杜甫  

贈衛八處士      杜甫(712 - 770 ) 


To the Recluse Wei Ba          Du Fu  (712 - 770 )

Often people are like stars of different hours,
Never will they fall across each other,
Why is tonight so particular?
We can share the lamplight together;
How can one stay young and strong forever?
Having all turned grizzled our temples and hairs,
Half of our old friends’ve already been summoned before the Yama,
This has our hearts seared,
Who would have guessed after twenty years
I become your guest once more?
I remember when we last parted,
You were still a bachelor,
Presently your children are in numbers,
They bid me welcome as they do their fathers,
Whence come I they enquire,
Before I offer my answer,
Wine is already filled up in cups to offer,
We drink with spring chive cut in the rainy vesper,
You then mix freshly cooked rice with yellow millet for dinner,
You say how hard it is for us to be together,
So we’ll drink in tens of numbers,
After ten rounds, I am still as sober as ever,
Your unchanging friendship has me greatly inspired,
Tomorrow we’ll be mountains afar,
And lost amidst the world’s intricate affairs.

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