Wednesday 6 November 2013

定風波 蘇軾

定風波        蘇軾 (1037 - 1101)


Ding Feng Bo       Su Shi (1037 - 1101)

Ignoring the raindrops beating on the trees and leaves that splatter,
Singing aloud, on I saunter,
With my cane and sandals, than on a horse I feel swifter,
Who fears?
All my life, with all that little Ive got, Ive gone through sweets and bitters;
From the many drinks I've had the chilly vernal breeze snaps me sober,
The chills give me a bit of shudders,
As it peeps over the hills the sun greets me with favour,
The shrinking days of my life I mull over,
Going forward I must endevour,
Whatever I’d encounter.

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