Thursday 7 November 2013

青玉案 元夜 辛棄疾

青玉案  元夜        辛棄疾 (1140-1207)


Qing Yu An     On the night of the Lantern Festival             Xin Qiji (1140-1207)

Night falls, the east wind unveils a thousand trees of brightly lit lanterns like flaring flowers,
With it, showers of falling stars;
Fragrance emanates from lavishly decorated carriages thronging the road together with garnished coursers,
Music of flutes enraptures,
Revolving jade lanterns with scintillating lights glitter;
Lantern dancers strutting their fish and dragon shaped lanterns dance through the vesper;
Exquisitely dressed women chat along in laughter wearing all sorts of ornaments on their hair,
Leaving whiffs of fragrance that enamours;
I try again and again to seek her out from the crowds that gathered,
Suddenly as I turn my head, I find her where the lantern lights falter.



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